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by: thaviusbeck
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    Posts: 59
    Joined: Mar 27th, 2007
    Logic slaving ext Gear, How?
    Hi all , Just got my e-rm Multiclock. I can’t seem to find any info on slaving OT (Octatrack) to the Logic sequencer. I’m looking to have Logic be the main sequencer and have the OT follow/ slave. How do I do it ? What settings in Logic ? Current cable set up… Midi out from the OT going into the E-RM Multiclock. A audio output signal being sent from my sound card into the "e-Multiclock’ to get the sync. Logic is connected correctly because when I change the tempo, the bpm from the "e-Multiclock’ keeps up with it. That's a good thing. But again the goal is to have Logic be the master , OT slaved to Logic. Look fwd to chatting, many thanks,
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Logic slaving ext Gear, How?
    Hi - AFAICT the only setting in the Octatrack that relates to syncing it to anything would be on the SYNC page (manual p.40), where you'd enable Clock Receive and Transport Receive (making sure that Logic is transmitting MIDI Clock (as per previous post)). The Octatrack manual is full of examples (pp.95->) of using it as a master but not as a slave (which suggests to me that even though they provide the option maybe they don't really envision it being used that way). I'm not sure where the Multiclock would fit into this -- if you have it slaving to Logic via its "audio sync" input (as recommended), then maybe output MIDI Clock in turn from the Multiclock to the Octatrack (Multiclock MIDI out to Octatrack MIDI in)..? [I'm not sure why you'd also have MIDI out from the Octatrack going in to the Multiclock?] It seems to me that the Multiclock would only be needed if the Octatrack proved unable to slave reliably directly from Logic's MIDI Clock output.. I don't know exactly how you plan to use these devices together, and of course no access to the hardware, so naturally I can only make the most general guess as to what would be the best way to set it up. I expect you'll have to engage in a bit of trial & error to see what will work best..
    Posts: 59
    Joined: Mar 27th, 2007
    Re: Logic slaving ext Gear, How?
    Thanks Joe , The ERM CLOCK has no OUTPUTS. It's all INPUTS ... In Logic / Syncronization , midi clock destinations both of them are off. As well as MTC and MMC are off ... Turning them on has done nothing so far. What am I missing? This may help to understand more ; Look fwd to your thoughts. thanks again
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Logic slaving ext Gear, How?
    Hi - Hmm.. Not having an E-RM Multiclock here all I can do is consult the manual, which says [on p.9] there are 2 sync inputs and 4 sync outputs [see the screenshot below].. Going by that it still seems to me that the Multilclock would follow Logic via its "audio sync" input [you said you had that working], and then outputting MIDI Clock from the Multiclock to the Octatrack would be the way to go.. I looked over a couple of MPV's courses on Elektron gear -- I only saw one video that explicitly mentions hookup, but just like all the Octatrack manual examples it assumes Octatrack will be the MIDI clock master. I've linked it below anyway, and attached the course above -- maybe there'll be something helpful in there.. There are other two Octatrack courses -- I'll include links in another post..
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Logic slaving ext Gear, How?
    Here are the links to the other two Octatrack courses..
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Logic slaving ext Gear, How?
    In the video that you linked to it's a little hard to see clearly but it looks like he's doing what I described -- Logic to Multiclock In; Multiclock Out [assumedly MIDI Clock] to Octatrack MIDI In..
    Posts: 59
    Joined: Mar 27th, 2007
    Re: Logic slaving ext Gear, How?
    Joe, I got it going… I went to ; PROJECT / MIDI / SYNC . TRANSP , clicked RECV CLOCK , clicked RECV PROG CH , clicked RECV and set to CH 11. From what I understand the OT midi default setting is set to CH 11 … In Logic I had to click on the LOW LATENCY MODE to make it tighter, but as of now it seems to be all good. Now to sync the rest of the gear. Grateful for your time and info. I will checkout the links you provided.. thanks again J
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Logic slaving ext Gear, How?
    Great! Those settings set the Octatrack to follow MIDI Clock. If Low Latency Mode in Logic affects the timing, then you might also want to check the Plug-in Latency Compensation setting as well [Preferences > Audio > General -- usually you'd set it to "Audio and Software Instrument Tracks" during recording and to "All" only for mixdown]. If Low latency Mode affects timing -- assumedly because the Multiclock is taking timing from audio in Logic -- then that feature might affect it as well..
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