Suggestions for a Newbie?
Jul 18th, 2020, 10:34
Hi Forum-
My apologies if this isn't in the correct place, but I defaulted to "Logic Pro" as I feel Logic is most likely the platform I'll be using.
I'm a musician, have used Garage Band for a few years (but only for editing audio tracks - not really recording instruments), and looking into upgrading to Logic Pro X.
I play in a rock band and create promotional videos for upcoming gigs and would like to create my own tracks for these videos and avoid copyright issues, videos getting pulled down, warnings, etc. My promo videos are anywhere from 20 seconds to 2 minutes. Right now I'm purchasing various tracks from several sites but I never feel they're the "right" track for my stuff. I've scoured several subscription sites that have tons of tracks, but it seems 75% of the tracks aren't what I'm looking for. I love the "creative" aspect of Logic and think I would be able to create tracks with the existing loops, beats, etc.
I'm looking for ease in creating these tracks, so using what's existing in Logic is a bonus. Since I've been researching online, I've seen other software packages that might be able to do the same thing, namely Captain Plugins 5 (and several others but honestly can't remember some of their names, as I've been inundated with all of these ads coming up in my social media feeds....ugh). I've also seen ads for "bundles" with tons of MIDI files to help you create tracks. The problem? My fear is they won't be geared toward more of a rock (or pop) based genre.
I know Logic is a much bigger beast than Garage Band, but thought since I was a little familiar with GB it wouldn't be that much of a shock when I got into it - this is the reason why I was thinking Logic in the first place (as opposed to Ableton or Cubase).
Just looking for some insight from the pros (given "the book" above) since I'm a total newbie here.
Thanks for reading and appreciate any replies!