  • dynamicalan
    Posts: 333
    Joined: Nov 25th, 2007
    Saving Ultrabeat
    I am curious do you save Ultrabeat as an Instrument? I can see how to save the setting but that's not the same as the instrument as it would be in using the EXS 24 Thanks, Alan
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: Saving Ultrabeat
    Hi Alan To save a UB instrument you just need to save as... in the plug-ins settings menu. It's much the same as any other instrument plug-in except the exs24. By the way were you successful with the aux template were talking about a few days ago? Cheers Rounik
  • dynamicalan
    Posts: 333
    Joined: Nov 25th, 2007
    Re: Saving Ultrabeat
    I only see save as channel strip setting. Is that the one? I am working on a template today. I accidentally saved a drum instrument but now it's to late. I don't know if it's the the one from 7 or 8. I meant to save as rather than save. It's easy to save because the EXS has it's own edit page for each instrument. It's improved over before. I have a separate folder for Old Templates. This is useful because the instrument is sometimes different, EXS or Ultrabeat in Logic 8 than 7. I found that one of the drum sounds in Ultrabeat is softer when played by the caplocks even when the Forte key on the caplocks is selected and the volume in the Aux track is turned up. I don't know if having these templates from 7 on the hard drive will corrupt the Hard Drive or if it will be ok. I did delete a lot of unused tracks. I posted about the Environment about an instrument object entitled "to recording and thru" rather than sequencer Input. I moved the Physical input to ports and clicks but I did notice that the wiring isn't the same. When I tried to redraw it to the correct way it rerouted the click to an aux track but I didn't do that today. I also noticed that the sound in the click instrument is not selected in the instrument. Thanks, Alan
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: Saving Ultrabeat
    saving a channel strip setting is different to saving an individual plug-ins setting. The former saves the instrument, it's setting and all the effects inserted on that channel strip. The later saves just the settings in that particular plug-in. Open Ultrabeat. At the top of the plug-in window is a long horizontal bar with a name and a downward arrow. Click on it. A list will appear. Select *save setting as...* Saving a setting in Ultrabeat is different to the EXS24. In many ways it's easier, but you do need to remember to save as...! I still have templates from 7 on my hard drive and my HD has not been corrupted. I think it's fine. Some say they're not as efficient as those created in 8. Thanks Rounik
  • dynamicalan
    Posts: 333
    Joined: Nov 25th, 2007
    Re: Saving Ultrabeat
    So in Ultrabeat saving the instrument is the same as save setting as? Thanks, Alan
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: Saving Ultrabeat
    [quote:34022]So in Ultrabeat saving the instrument is the same as save setting as? [/quote] Yes, that's right. When you save setting as... in Ultrabeat you save: 1. The drum kit, which consists of 25 sounds, inclusive of assignment and mixer settings. 2. The complete settings of all parameters for all 25 sounds. 3. The sequencer settings and all 24 patterns, including the step automation, trigger, velocity, and gate rows for all 25 sounds. (taken from [i]Logic Studio Instrument and Effects[/i] manual, p.556) Thanks Rounik
  • dynamicalan
    Posts: 333
    Joined: Nov 25th, 2007
    Re: Saving Ultrabeat
    Thank you, Alan
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