  • Paul Bissell
    Posts: 73
    Joined: Jan 8th, 2010
    Auxes NOT panning at unity?
    What is going on.. I recorded a single, mono audio channel - sent it to Aux 1 (empty of any plug ins). Panned the original audio channel to the left, and the aux to the right. The Aux is 6dB lower than the original channel. (see peak readings on image) Toggled Pan Laws just in case something got "stuck" - nope. Went back to Logic 9, it works correctly - they sum to mono and meters are identical. Can anyone else confirm? Paul [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: Auxes NOT panning at unity?
    Hey Paul, I'll have to try this out later... one question... is the Aux / source stereo or mono? In Logic mono allow for true pan, stereo you'll be adjusting balance.
  • mPV Support
    Posts: 1425
    Joined: Aug 7th, 2006
    Re: Re: Auxes NOT panning at unity?
    Hi Paul, Make sure your send is set to Post Fader (not Post Pan) and it should solve the problem. Christian [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
  • Paul Bissell
    Posts: 73
    Joined: Jan 8th, 2010
    Re: Auxes NOT panning at unity?
    Rounik - yes mono aux. Christian - That did it, kind of.... it was set (by default since this was a new song) to Post Pan. Interesting....but.... Not quite sure why this would be happening. If this is the case, setting the pan law to 0 (no compensation) should make it so there is no difference between post pan and post fader. Right? But, the difference is still there. So with no pan law in the picture, why does panning affect the aux send amplitude level? Paul
  • mPV Support
    Posts: 1425
    Joined: Aug 7th, 2006
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Auxes NOT panning at unity?
    Hello Paul, This behavior is perfectly normal. When you set the Bus to Post Fader and you pan your Mono audio channel to the left, and your Mono Aux to the right, then the Aux level will drop a few dB because it's not getting the full signal. See Pic 1 - Mono - Mono (Note in the pic that we get the exact same results in both Logic Pro X and Logic Pro 9.) If you change your Aux Input to Stereo, and pan your Audio Channel to the left and your Aux to the right, than you won't get any signal at all in your Aux (See pic 2 - Mono - Stereo). If you don't want the Aux signal to be lower when your Audio channel is panned to the left, you could change the Aux input to receive the Left side only. (See pic 3 - Mono Stereo). Or use Pre Fader instead... The Pan Law doesn't have anything to do with this. If you set the pan law to 0 dB, the level will seem a little lower when you pan it to the side but the meter will show the same value. If you set it to -3dB compensated, the level will be 3 dB lower when dead center, and the value will go up 3 dB when panned left. A setting of -3dB will reduce the meter as you move the pan to the center position. Clear as mud? I hope it makes sense somehow. :) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img][/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Christian
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