  • Malifie
    Posts: 3
    Joined: Jul 1st, 2008
    How to commit to flexed tracks? Merge or bounce?
    Hi. I have noe edited my drums using Flex time. Now I would like to commit to the edits. Would I merge or bounce? All the best!
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: How to commit to flexed tracks? Merge or bounce?
    Hi Mastergod, I like to use the Bounce in place command personally. haven't actually tried "merge", though in theory this should create new audio files from the selected flexed regions. Bouncing is, IMHO, the optimal way to render what's in the Arrange area to a new audio file.
  • Paul Bissell
    Posts: 73
    Joined: Jan 8th, 2010
    Re: How to commit to flexed tracks? Merge or bounce?
    Merge will commit to the edits that you have done. Bounce in place will do the same AND include inserts that are on the channel strip. So if you have your Flex-ed audio going through a flanger and you Bounce the Track in place, that flanger is now a part of your new audio. Merge only affects the audio on the track that has been flexed (or not flexed as you saw fit) (This is from memory...I hope I am right)
  • redlogic
    Posts: 65
    Joined: Feb 2nd, 2008
    Re: Re: How to commit to flexed tracks? Merge or bounce?
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