  • Hasdrubal
    Posts: 28
    Joined: Mar 30th, 2013
    Channel EQ plugin "Master Gain" Control
    I'm wondering about the Master Gain control on the Channel EQ plugin. I tried raising it and lowering it. Is it not the same as bringing the Channel Strip fader up and down? When would it be appropriate to use the EQ Master Gain instead of using that Channel Strip fader? Thanks! cc
  • GaryHiebner
    Posts: 1434
    Joined: May 6th, 2007
    Re: Channel EQ plugin "Master Gain" Control
    Yes and no. You are raising or lowering the gain level with this parameter. But actually it is raising or decreasing the gain level of each EQ band by the same amount. It works in a slightly different way. So if you haven't made any changes to the low cut band. If you raise the master gain level, this will increase all the bands including the Low Cut band gain. So in fact the gain works on EQ band gains, not volume band gains. Hope this helps.
  • Hasdrubal
    Posts: 28
    Joined: Mar 30th, 2013
    Re: Channel EQ plugin "Master Gain" Control
    Yes it does - I'll be leaving it alone for now. Thanks Gary! cc
  • Paul Bissell
    Posts: 73
    Joined: Jan 8th, 2010
    Re: Channel EQ plugin "Master Gain" Control
    Now I'm confused - ha ha ha I thought that the "Master" Gain in the EQ is exactly that - just Gain. Specifically, a make up gain (which can be used negatively) on the output to compensate for any band-related alterations made within. Since the channel fader is also post-EQ (bands), they function the same. I was wondering so I set up a test. Identical pink noise running into two Aux channels. Both have a channel EQ inserted with the same boost/cut bands engaged. The first Aux has +6 in the master gain section of its EQ, the second Aux has +6 on the channel fader. Polarity invert the second Aux and they completely cancel to zero. Did I misread what you were saying? BUT - in this process of testing, I found something very interesting; to achieve a complete 100% cancelation, I couldn't actually use +6 on the second Aux's channel fader, I had to use +5, and also add a -1dB on Aux 1's channel fader. I tested with only the master gain on the EQ active (no bands) as well - so it seems that there is a slight (10th of a dB) mismatch between the gain algorithm used on the EQ master gain than that of channel fader. Hmmmm Interesting. I'm adding an image to show you what works to completely cancel when a channel EQ is boosting by 6dB. Crazy huh? Paul [url= (1).png] [img] (1).png[/img] [/url]
  • GaryHiebner
    Posts: 1434
    Joined: May 6th, 2007
    Re: Channel EQ plugin "Master Gain" Control
    That is very weird that you had to use a +5db on the aux. So you're right its a makeup gain. Thinking about it with every Logic plugins the the signal process is from left to right. So with the Channel EQ the Master Gain is before the EQ bands, so the gain stage is before any of the EQ settings. But very interesting with the levels of the Aux to cancel out the polarity invert.
  • Paul Bissell
    Posts: 73
    Joined: Jan 8th, 2010
    Re: Channel EQ plugin "Master Gain" Control
    So...I had to try again. And thus, I rebuilt the pink noise feeding two auxes (prefader of course so I could pull down the fader of the original software instrument with the pink noise generator on it). Just as a control, I put the gain on the second aux, inverted polarity and it all summed to zero. Good. Then I did the same thing as I wrote before with the EQ inserted, no bands active, but with +6 on the EQ's master gain. Inverted the second aux's polarity bleeds through. Certainly not a lot, about -48dB or so from the normal sum. Then, I tried it with the make up gain on the Compressor plug-in. Obviously no GR happening, just gain. The exact same. Finally, I raised Aux 1's fader to +1dB and set Aux 2's fader at -5dB (still a 6db difference to counter the EQ or Compressor's gain) and summed to zero. How bizarre. I'm sure everyone in the world has better things to do in their life, but it would be interesting to get confirmation. I can't think of anything that is unique to my set up, etc, that would cause this to happen. "To measure is to know" - Lord Kelvin
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