  • mmusic88
    Posts: 52
    Joined: Aug 2nd, 2008
    Hello! I have a question regarding dithering when bouncing a track -usually 24-bit at 48kHz. I got three dithering options, POW-r #1, 2 and 3 + Apogee UV22HR. I've been using the apogee one since I have the duet, but does it really work with this interface or should I use any other type of dither? Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, fvs
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: Dithering
    Hi isrmusic, You can use any type of dither mode regardless of the audio interface you use. I'd recommend trying them all out and listening back to each version. The results can be very subtle. Also, the UV22HR is the one I tend to use... just find it the best for my purpose. :)
  • mmusic88
    Posts: 52
    Joined: Aug 2nd, 2008
    Re: Dithering
    Thank you Rounik! I did a couple of tests, and I certainly did find the UV22HR the best to use :) cheers, isrmusic
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