  • Joe F
    Posts: 13
    Joined: Mar 31st, 2008
    Vector Fader Issue
    Vector fader is not working properly. As it does in TNT 2 June. The inspector says: Vertical: Control Channel: 1 -1-: 7 Horizontal: Control Channel: 1 (I also tried all the other channel) -1-: 10 Range 0 127 The first output cable on the vector does nothing. The second output cable controls the volume fine but does not control the pan. All of the other outputs on the vector do nothing! It is the same with audio and inst tracks. The Monitor object shows only volume data (no pan data) coming from the second output only of the vector object. I am using a Mac OS X 10.6.8. I don't know if the problem is with Logic or maybe it is a preference with my computer? I'm also having Marco Issues, it also doesn't seem to be working properly. And I'm not able to beat sync the delay plugins in Soundtrack Pro. Which makes me think it might be my computer? PLEASE HELP!!! Joe
  • Joe F
    Posts: 13
    Joined: Mar 31st, 2008
    Re: Vector Fader Issue
    I was using Logic 9.1.6 and just updated to Logic 9.1.7. Both have the same issue.
  • Joe F
    Posts: 13
    Joined: Mar 31st, 2008
    Re: Vector Fader Issue
    Ok after hours of research I figured it out! The problem was: I was running logic in 64 bit mode. I switched to 32 bit mode and the vector is working perfect now!!! My new questions are: How does 32 bit mode differ from 64 bit mode? Will logic run slower? Should I keep logic in 32 bit mode???
  • GaryHiebner
    Posts: 1434
    Joined: May 6th, 2007
    Re: Vector Fader Issue
    Congrats on figuring it out. You got to it before we could get back to you. Have fun with vector faders!
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