  • Nicywuo
    Posts: 17
    Joined: Dec 11th, 2009
    External midi notes stuck on
    Hey everyone - Perhaps someone could help me trouble shoot this one. I have a Korg EX800 synth that I have hooked up to Logic via a MIDI - USB cable. Almost always, when I send midi to it from Logic, notes get stuck on. Sometimes it doesn't happen at first, but it usually does eventually. I don't have this problem when I control the EX800 directly from a MIDI keyboard, so I feel like the problem isn't the synth so much as something in my particular signal chain, which is as follows: 1. External Midi track in logic sends midi out through a generic cheap 5$ midi - USB cable. 2. Synth plays notes in real time 3. Logic receives audio back from synth via a record enabled audio channel strip. I don't think the problem is created in Logic either, because I have used this setup before to send midi to Reason, and that's always been fine. I suppose it's likely that my problem is the cheap cable, but it seems that most people that have problems with this type of cable usually have an all or nothing result. I haven't found any instances of something weird like this. Aside from buying a midi sport solo or whatever, is there anything else I can do to trouble shoot this issue? Is there anything I can do in the environment to make the EX800 happier when it gets it's midi data? Thanks again! Bret
  • Nicywuo
    Posts: 17
    Joined: Dec 11th, 2009
    Re: External midi notes stuck on
    More info about the sticking notes: Playback stops in Logic, but the notes keep sounding until the korg's envelope ends the note, another note comes along to take it's place (it only has 4 voices), or I turn the Korg off (and they don't return when I turn it back on)
  • Joe F
    Posts: 13
    Joined: Mar 31st, 2008
    Re: External midi notes stuck on
    I was having the same problem with my Minimoog Voyager. After hours I finally figured out how to fix it. This is how: go to the global section of the synth and make sure the midi merge function is turn off (try both on and off). I'm almost positive this is the problem. Let me know how you make out? Good Luck! Joe
  • Nicywuo
    Posts: 17
    Joined: Dec 11th, 2009
    Re: External midi notes stuck on
    Thanks for getting back to me Joe. I think you might be on to something, only the midi control for the EX800 is REALLY limited. I fiddled with every available midi setting there was to no avail. In all this fiddling, however, I discovered that notes played from the caps lock keyboard DO NOT get stuck on. Whaaa? Anyhow, the next idea is that there must be some bit of midi data that is making the synth unhappy. So I'm thinking a transformer might be able to filter that out. If I were to set something up that only let what the caps lock keyboard creates pass through, what would that be? I have an AlesisQ49, an iPad, and an EWI, all seem to make mr. Korg not want to ever shut up. Does anyone who knows Logic better than I know exactly what midi data the caps lock keyboard makes? I've already tried only letting notes through, but that didn't work. Tried filtering out every option in the first dialog of the transform menu but still. . . Thanks for your help in advance - Bret
  • AuntEggma
    Posts: 1
    Joined: Feb 21st, 2013
    Re: External midi notes stuck on
    A year late, but I fixed the issue on my MicroKorg by switching the midi clock option to external. I think it was external...
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