  • Joe F
    Posts: 13
    Joined: Mar 31st, 2008
    Sample Rate Issue with Loop Browser
    I recently when out and spent a bundle on a new Quad Core Intel Xeon with 16 GB of ram. I've always worked with a sample rate of 44.1khz in the past. Now I would like to experiment with a higher sample rate say 96.khz. I'm excited because I think it will make my production sound better! Ok, first when I stared I was having pitch issues when dragging 44.1khz audio files from my desktop. I figured out how to import files so that is not the issue anymore. But now I'm having a difficult time with the LOOP BROWSER. The apple loops are fine but all my other loops & samples are pitched up. I've been trying to figure out a solution for hours. It's driving me insane! I kind of figured out a work around: by changing the sample rate from 96 to 44.1 so I can hear the proper rate, locate the file on my hard drive, change the rate back to 96khz and then import it from logic. Man this is a pain in the but! There's got to be a easier way? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!! By the way I'm fairly new to Logic. I previously stared with Ableton. I think logic is far more sophisticated. The tutorials are AWESOME! I'm very glad to be learning it. I MEAN MASTERING IT!!! Thank You Joe
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: Sample Rate Issue with Loop Browser
    Hi Joe, I think there are some documented issues using Apple Loops at sample rates other than 44.1. Try setting your sample rate to 88.2 (multiple of 44.1) - do you still find there are issues? Which "other loops" are you having an issue with btw? When you import them into Logic do you drop them straight in the Bin? Does Logic convert them to the current project's sample rate for you? Hope this helps R
  • Joe F
    Posts: 13
    Joined: Mar 31st, 2008
    Re: Sample Rate Issue with Loop Browser
    Yes at 88.2 I still have the same issue. All the apple LOOPS play perfect both when I audition them in the loop browser and when I drag them from the loop browser into an arrange track. So the apple loops are not the issue! It is the ONE SHOT SAMPLES that are giving me a problem. When I audition one shot samples in the loop browser they play back faster (pitched up double). Logic is not converting them either in both the loop browser or when I drag them into an arrange track from the loop browser. But they do play perfect at 44.1. Btw. I tried to reindex all the samples in the loop browser but I still have the same problem. Joe
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: Sample Rate Issue with Loop Browser
    Hi Joe, Thanks for the info. OK. So basically this is an issue with one-shot Apple Loops... Best I can recommend for now would be to right-click on the audio file in the Bin (once added to your project) and choose 'Convert' (you can do this for multiple-selected files) and then change the sample rate manually during this process. Not ideal... but a workaround. Let me know how you get on. R
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