  • Kyrarii
    Posts: 17
    Joined: Jul 27th, 2006
    Tutorial Request: Multichannel and Multitimbral
    1. Multiple Outputs (and Auxiliary Channels) EXS24 and DFH Superior, for example, have multi-out capability. The process of setting up Auxiliary Channels in the Environment in order to apply processing to the various sounds (such as EQ to a kick drum and Reverb to a snare) is a process that forces me to seek instruction again and again. Now that Logic 8 doesn't seem to acknowledge the Auxiliary channels I saved as an Autoload, I'm kind of back to square one. 2. Multi-timbral Instruments Plug-ins like Native Instruments' Kontakt are multi-timbral, meaning a single instance of the plug-in can host more than one instrument. However, MIDI tracks need to be set up in such a way that each plays a different instrument within the multi-timbral plug-in. This, at least in Logic Pro 7, required some routing in the Environment. This process is somewhat opposite of the 3-guitars tutorial, in that rather than having one MIDI performance play multiple instruments, there'd be multiple MIDI tracks playing various instruments of a single plug-in. Hope this subject may be useful for people. Thanks.
  • steveH
    Posts: 857
    Joined: Oct 17th, 2006
    Re: Tutorial Request: Multichannel and Multitimbral
    A multi instrument/output tutorial is in our future... thanks for the idea!
  • Fodejai
    Posts: 52
    Joined: Feb 8th, 2007
    Re: Tutorial Request: Multichannel and Multitimbral
    Something I would like to see also is possibly how to build a complex environment that would work like a software interface for your external mulitimbral synths!
  • Xofadea
    Posts: 9
    Joined: Aug 25th, 2006
    Re: Tutorial Request: Multichannel and Multitimbral
    Hello, Steve. BFD drums also has an ultra setting [32 channels out] that would benefit from this. I have a version set up in Logic Pro 7, but Fxpansion tells me that, so far, ver 8 doesn't support that, and I will only get stereo outs. Boring! As its much better to apply separate eq and levels to different kit pieces. Logics audio environment in pro 7 is great for this. [Now I finally figured out how to do it!] So I'm hoping to be able to repeat this in ver 8. Any tips or tricks? Thanks for all your tips so far, haven't used them all yet as I'm doing different things, but they are a great additional resource. All the best Peter North.
  • Xofadea
    Posts: 9
    Joined: Aug 25th, 2006
    Re: Tutorial Request: Multichannel and Multitimbral
    Digitl Droo. Hi mate. Load your multi-out plugin as an audio instrument. Then create either aux or bus channels and use the I/O slot on those channels to select the remaining output channels from each additional output from your plugin. As the aux/bus channels are derived from the plugin you should be able to assign them to separate bus/aux channels. Use the audio layer in the environment and once its set up save the file with a unique name, and it'll be there whenever you want it. EXS 24 has a page that allows you to setup multi outs[ I haven't done it as I use BFD] but I'm guessing you have. If this doesn't help, send me an email with your address and I'll send you a copy of my lso file with BFD Ultra set up. Use use that as a template. Hope this helps. Peter North. [email protected].
  • Bj
    Posts: 293
    Joined: Sep 19th, 2007
    Re: Tutorial Request: Multichannel and Multitimbral
    Hi Steve, I'm sure many users would be really happy If this could be the October Tutorial...
  • Kyrarii
    Posts: 17
    Joined: Jul 27th, 2006
    Re: Tutorial Request: Multichannel and Multitimbral
    I've actually realized that multi-out instruments work the same way. My confusion turned out to be due to the AU Manager not recognizing my DFH Superior as a Multi instrument. Apparently it's a bug that is fixed by rescanning the plugin. Now my DFH Superior works pretty much as it has before. In EXS24, the output selection happens in the EXS editor, via groups. You have 5 stereo and 6 mono Aux busses to work with.
  • steveH
    Posts: 857
    Joined: Oct 17th, 2006
    Re: Tutorial Request: Multichannel and Multitimbral
    I'll be covering this in a future tutorial!
  • Kyrarii
    Posts: 17
    Joined: Jul 27th, 2006
    Re: Tutorial Request: Multichannel and Multitimbral
    I just want to say that having brought up this topic, then actually trying out the stuff, it turned out to be easier than I thought. For example, in Logic 7, when I tried working with Kontakt, a multi-timbral instrument, I remember having to load it up on a channel strip, then went through a cumbersome process of creating new MIDI channels to play the instruments on the initial channel. Maybe I was doing it wrong. I don't care. In Logic 8, I started with an empty project template and chose a 16 channel multi-timbral instrument, and boom. I had 16 tracks of MIDI to work with. I just chose Kontakt as the software instrument and loaded up different instruments on each MIDI channel (within Kontakt), and boom, I could play each instrument on each of the tracks in the arrange window. It was embarrassingly easy. Then, as a test, I started with a new, blank arrange window and created a single software instrument. Again, I loaded Kontakt and assigned a few instruments. Then I discovered the "New track with next MIDI channel" (or something like that) and boom, I had another MIDI track to play the MIDI channel 2 instrument in Kontakt. Option-command-m created the next MIDI channel, then the next--each with the next instrument assigned in Kontakt. Hehe. So a tutorial for the subject of multi-whatever would be great for the series, but I'm covered. ;) -droo
  • steveH
    Posts: 857
    Joined: Oct 17th, 2006
    Re: Tutorial Request: Multichannel and Multitimbral
    [quote:1265]I just want to say that having brought up this topic, then actually trying out the stuff, it turned out to be easier than I thought. Hehe. So a tutorial for the subject of multi-whatever would be great for the series, but I'm covered. ;) -droo[/quote] Great work! So much of learning is the act of discovery!
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