  • Jylefyy
    Posts: 26
    Joined: Nov 18th, 2010
    Logic/Duet/Dynaudio Air 6 not loud enough
    Hi, I'm a monthly subscriber and am enjoying macpro video a lot. I can't figure out why I can't get the speakers any louder. The phones are fine. I'm still on software instruments or laying in samples or pre-recorded audio; not referring yet to mic'd sources. A "schooled" friend came over last night to figure it out, but couldn't. He didn't know why the Duet was controlling the whole computer volume (and, apparently, limiting it) where the m-box just "controlled itself." I didn't know what to say to that. But he couldn't improve my situation. The signal looks okay in Maestro, but it's way too quiet at the speakers. Phones are way louder. Any idea where I'm going wrong? thanks, Frank
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: Logic/Duet/Dynaudio Air 6 not loud enough
    Hi Frank, Do you want the Duet to control your Mac's Sound output or just Logic? When you plug the Duet into your Mac you can specify that the Mac audio output doesn't pass through it.... If you open Audio MIDI Setup (in Applications/Utilities/) what control do you have on the volume levels? Also how have you connected your Duet to your speakers... which Monitors... are they passive (require Amplifier) or Active? Have you adjusted any controls on your Monitors? Thanks R
  • Jylefyy
    Posts: 26
    Joined: Nov 18th, 2010
    Re: Logic/Duet/Dynaudio Air 6 not loud enough
    Hi Rounik, Right! It hasn't asked me that question in a while, and I probably told it never to ask me again...I only want it to work in Logic, apparently. My Dynaudio Air 6's are active, and have no controls. But I believe you've set me off on the right course, and I'll be back. Thanks a lot. F.
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: Logic/Duet/Dynaudio Air 6 not loud enough
    Hey Frank, Cool. Let me know how you get on. I was briefly looking at the Dynaudio Air 6 specs here: [url][/url] and saw that there appears to be some controls: - "Central and Remote control of system and parameters" - "Programmable reference levels" - "Preset Storage and Recall" Hope this helps Rounik
  • Jylefyy
    Posts: 26
    Joined: Nov 18th, 2010
    Re: Logic/Duet/Dynaudio Air 6 not loud enough
    thanks, Rounik. I'll check and see if those are connected with Air Soft (though not sure what that is) as I don't have those discs along. But tell me this, pls:the breakout cable from the Duet not only has the four Inputs, but the two Outputs, where the Air 6's are plugged in. Does that mean that the Duet HAS to control the Mac sound and output and not just Logic, because the signal has to pass thru the Duet? thanks Frank
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
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    Re: Logic/Duet/Dynaudio Air 6 not loud enough
    Hi Frank, The Duet has only 2 inputs actually - although you can choose between the xlr and 1/4"... but you can only record 2 inputs simultaneously... The Duet can be set to be the output for your System audio and set as the device through which Logic's output is passed. You can choose to route only Logic through the Duet's output if you wish. Cheers Rounik
  • Jylefyy
    Posts: 26
    Joined: Nov 18th, 2010
    Re: Logic/Duet/Dynaudio Air 6 not loud enough
    Thanks, Rounik. That helps a lot, and I'll be back if necessary. best, Frank
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: Logic/Duet/Dynaudio Air 6 not loud enough
    Hey Frank, No probs! Do let us know how you get on & of course pop back as much you like :)
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