  • thesello
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Jan 1st, 2011
    Apple Loops Locations
    Hello, I am wondering if there is any way I can move my loops on my external hard drive with Logic still being able to recognize and index them. I am thinking about saving space on my MacHD and move all the audio material (including apple loops) to my external. Thank you, C. Mac OSX 10.6.5 Logic 9.1.0
  • Peter Schwartz
    Posts: 546
    Joined: Sep 15th, 2007
    Re: Apple Loops Locations
    Not sure if you can move them, but do you have a lot of audio stuff on your internal drive (like Logic projects)? If so, maybe moving it off to an external would give you the free space you need?
  • Bj
    Posts: 293
    Joined: Sep 19th, 2007
    Re: Apple Loops Locations
    Hi C, It's entirely up to you... But I find it best to leave All Applications and Libraries on the Internal Drive where the OS Can and Expects to find them... This Link may be of Interest and Value to you if you are running out of Space on your Internal Drive: Cheers, Bj : )
  • thesello
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Jan 1st, 2011
    Re: Apple Loops Locations
    Thank you Bj, your tips have being helpful and I still have space on my internal for the libraries. I was just curious about some extra knowledge. Your link was also helpful to get some organization tips. Best, C.
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