  • Davis Delight
    Posts: 12
    Joined: May 11th, 2010
    region and note resizing versus snap settings??
    Hello, i'm having a heck of a time with cutting, resizing and even just moving regions (both midi and audio regions) in the main arrange window. It seems that there is often a very slight timing offset of regions, also when i try to resize or move them back to the beat or a division nothing works. If i have snap set to BAR then the whole region just shifts in time by 1 bar, KEEPING the tiny offset! In some case i just can't get the region to snap to the bar, beat or division. This exact thing happens in the piano roll editor too. It's near impossible or at least really fiddly to try to move a note beginning to any exact division, be it beat, bar or division. Why is this so fiddly? Are there any tutorials on this subject? thank you all!
  • Peter Schwartz
    Posts: 546
    Joined: Sep 15th, 2007
    Re: region and note resizing versu...
    AFAICT, you're experiencing a very unfortunate bug in Logic. I participated in a very in-depth thread over at Logic Pro Help a while ago and the conclusion wasn't too pretty. But first, tell me... does the length of any of the regions for which you're experience the "just off by a little bit" syndrome have a dot after the length? For example: (dot at end) as opposed to (no dot) If you're getting the dot then you're experiencing this bug. One way to attempt to fix the length to what you actually want is to view the region lengths in the event list (open the event list and click the hierarchy arrow in the upper LH corner. This will show you the region lengths). Dbl-click on the length of one of those regions and enter the length you want without the period at the end. See if the new value "takes". If that doesn't work, create a new track with duplicate instrument (or a new dummy track -- any type -- so that you have someplace to temporarily move regions to, as follows...) Select the region length you want using the marquee tool and then move that part of the region to the dummy track. Check its length. Is it correct? If so, put it back on the original track. (Please note that this may or may not work). Please post back with your results and let us know how you make out.
  • Davis Delight
    Posts: 12
    Joined: May 11th, 2010
    Re: region and note resizing versu...
    Thanks Ski! I will look at the .dot problem when i'm in the studio tomorrow. I really appreciate that! Any chance you have a link to the discussion over at I was surfing through thousands of pages to no avail. I would like to read the thread if you still have it around Thanks again
  • Peter Schwartz
    Posts: 546
    Joined: Sep 15th, 2007
    Re: region and note resizing versu...
    Couple of links for you... [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url]
  • Davis Delight
    Posts: 12
    Joined: May 11th, 2010
    Re: region and note resizing versu...
    Ok, Thanks very much for this help and identifying the problem! So all my MIDI regions that are off in fact DO have a dot at the end of their Position numbers in the Event List. Ouch...what a pain, i wonder what puts that dot there? I'm wondering if it's when we use the "capture as Recording" command? I went into some of my midi regions that had perfect start and end position and no dot after and looked at the midi events inside them. Of course , it was the same deal,even after quantizing these midi events were a few ticks off and also had the DOT at the end of their position numbers. What a pain. i seriously hope this gets fixed someday. Thanks all for the help with this, at least now i know it's not me.
  • Peter Schwartz
    Posts: 546
    Joined: Sep 15th, 2007
    Re: region and note resizing versu...
    You're welcome. What puts the dot there is (best I can tell, without actually seeing your project file) is the result of this bug. The dot represents a certain number of samples of additional region length that is too small to be represented as ticks. So even though you may have sized (or cut) a region to be exactly on the beat, or exactly a specific length, Logic messes up and makes it just a bit larger. So no, it's not you. I hope it gets fixed one of these days too, but Apple is notoriously difficult (as well as tight-lipped) when it comes to addressing certain issues with Logic. The best you can do to effect a remedy, really, is file a bug report. If you want to get even closer to the development team you can become an APC member (free) and then you'll have access to the bug reporter at
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