  • Witujua
    Posts: 31
    Joined: Jun 16th, 2008
    Steve, I loved the information in the new TNT3. I would like to know what would be the possibility of you creating other lessons on how to produce many other interesting sounds? The two examples you gave just made me longing for more. I've been trying to figure out how to make, for example, a couple of overtones within a sound more pronounced or make the effects acting upon them more pronounced without effecting the whole sound or any other part of it, except the over tones themselves, but I haven't got a clue how to do something like that. I've tried turning knobs and listening carefully but nothing I do seems to changed the certain sounds or effects within a sound that I'm looking to change. I've gone through many of the Logic tutorials but they don't really help me in this particular problem I'm having, so if there can be a future TNT devoted to this subject, that would be great.
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: TNT3
    Hi Have you tried sending to an Aux, then filtering the Aux channel to isolate the 'overtone(s)' or aspect of sound you wish to change? Now any effects you place on the Aux channel will only process the isolated 'sound'... :) Rounik
  • Witujua
    Posts: 31
    Joined: Jun 16th, 2008
    Re: TNT3
    I'll give that a try. Where can I learn more about these ways to manipulate sound? I would never have thought to try your suggestion on my own. Did you learned this "tip" from someone or a book or did you just experiment on your own, which I've not had great success doing? Can you recommend book or tutorial on creating atmospheric sounds that is loaded with these kinds of tips in them? Thank you Rounik,
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: TNT3
    Hi... No problem! Most of my Logic knowledge has been from the tutorials here at macProvideo and the last 7/8 years of being a Logic user and 3 years of being a Logic trainer... Difficult to say how I learned these tips... I'm sure the basics of this idea of processing a signal by sending some of it's signal via a Bus to an Aux channel is in the Logic 101. It's quite a common studio technique to send a signal and process the sent signal (on Aux Channel) with Reverb, delay type effects when you don't want to process the entire signal... Check through the TNTs and other other tuts like Olavs Electronica workflows for more tips like these ;-) Best Rounik
  • steveH
    Posts: 857
    Joined: Oct 17th, 2006
    Re: TNT3
    I'll be doing more sound design this time around!
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