  • Witujua
    Posts: 31
    Joined: Jun 16th, 2008
    How to record a plugin and then bounce keeping...
    I seem to be having trouble recording a virtual instrument and then trying to make an audio file out of it. I tried boucning but that never works because when I drag a boucned file back into a track, it doesn't sound. Also, I think that I read that if you click on a region then highlight the apple loops utility one can make an apple loop out of the region, but I'm not sure if thats the best way. Besides that, the applel loops utility is greyed out. Can some one please help me figure out how to change a recorded region on an instrument track to an aif file while keeping all the effected changes to that file at the same time? Thanks
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: How to record a plugin and then bounce keeping...
    Hi, Select the track you want to bounce and solo it. Set the left and right locators (cycle area). Go to File > Bounce... Select PCM and AIFF etc & tick "Add to Audio Bin" Once Bounced drag the file back onto either an empty area or a new audio track. By the way, bouncing or exporting a region or a track will render all effects on that particular track to the resulting audio file. Exporting will NOT render the automation data though. Cheers Rounik
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