  • mmusic88
    Posts: 52
    Joined: Aug 2nd, 2008
    MIDI ?
    Hi All, I got a question. I can't program my knobs and sliders from my radium keyboard to be used with plugins in Logic. Is there any midi option to be enable in logic in order to program control changes in my keyboard? I tried different things, but it seems not to be working. Hope you can help me... Thanks! -fvs
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: MIDI ?
    Hi fvs, Have you tried following my post from this thread: [url][/url] Have you ever been able to learn assignments to the radium or is this the first time you're trying to do this? Cheers Rounik
  • mmusic88
    Posts: 52
    Joined: Aug 2nd, 2008
    Re: MIDI ?
    Hi Rounik, Yes I've already tried to midi learn assignments with my radium before, but with plug-ins that have already enabled that option, such as "omnisphere", which is very easy. The thing is that I can't do it for other plug-ins. I did what you suggested, but sill is not working. I mean, I can move knobs and faders in logic through my midi keyboard, but not knobs (parameters) in plug-ins (resonance, attack, decay, etc). Thanks for your help! -fvs
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: MIDI ?
    Hi Fvs, Are you definitely moving say the resonance parameter and then opening the Controller Assignment window and then moving the knob on your radium? Is the Learn mode button highlighted or just grey? Sometimes it may require you to move the control on the radium to both extremes a few times until you see that Logic has learned the assignment. Any joy? Cheers Rounik
  • mmusic88
    Posts: 52
    Joined: Aug 2nd, 2008
    Re: MIDI ?
    Hi Rounik. The window looks fine, the learn mode button is highlighted, but for some reason my radium is only learning the panning parameter in the logic channel strip, but nothing in the actual plugin. Should I probably change to another option in the assignment window? i.e. control surface group, but then there are many other options inside that one, and it's quite confussing (flip mode, plug-in parameter page, etc). Thanks!
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: MIDI ?
    Hi Fvs, This is strange. You should be able to assign parameters from any plug-in to any control on your Radium when you're in Easy mode... When you move a knob on your Radium - do you see any info in the MIDI IN MIDI OUT display in the Transport? Also, in Expert window, choose No Zone and try to assign the controller. Out of interest, have you tried assigning one particular parameter to your Radium or different parameters of? Cheers Rounik
  • mmusic88
    Posts: 52
    Joined: Aug 2nd, 2008
    Re: MIDI ?
    Hi Rounik, I already could assign parameters to my radium. I don't know why it wasn't working yesterday, but I just opened logic right now and tried again, and it finally worked out. The only plugin I can't still assign to my controller is one of the "eastwest", but it probably has its own way to do it, as with the omnispehere, so i'll check the manual out. Thanks for your great help! Best, fvs
  • Rounik Admin
    Posts: 8713
    Joined: Dec 16th, 2006
    Re: MIDI ?
    Hey Fvs, No problem! Glad it's working. My first piece of advice should have been to unplug everything, reboot and then connect everything together again ;-) Take care, Rounik
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