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Logic Pro 104
Mixing & Automation
by: joshuacarney
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  • Student478171
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Mar 12th, 2021
    Modulate (LFO?) between completely different audio track sounds
    Hi and thank you for entertaining my somewhat novice question. This is my first posting here. I'm using Logic Pro X 10.5.1. I'm searching for some way to switch in some control-able, sync to the BPM-able, LFO-like manner between two completely different guitar sounds applied to the same played guitar recording. For instance, the recorded guitar's sound might switch between a classic jazzy guitar tone and an echo-y distorted rock sound, alternating on every quarter note. Hopefully, that modulation between the two tonalities could be set to happen on whatever frequency I prefer for the particular song. Is this possible without doing backflips? I was thinking it would be great to be able to have the same recording on 2 different tracks, modulating alternating volume between the two tracks with some LFO or such, but I have no idea how to approach this! I hope I'm explain gin this well enough. Again, thank you for even entertaining how this might be done.
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Modulate (LFO?) between completely different audio track sounds
    Hi - It sounds like what you're describing could be easily done by Automating the Bypass buttons of two different plug-ins, having one turn on when the other turns off. [Apparently automation could also be done with the new Step Sequencer, but only on Pattern tracks, which probably doesn't apply to your scenario] I've attached a Logic course [above], in case there's something in there that gives you any ideas. The course discusses [regular] Automation in videos 46-51.
  • Student478171
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Mar 12th, 2021
    Thank you, Joe!
    Much appreciated. I'll try this approach.
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