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iZotope RX 9 101
RX 9 Video Manual
by: joealbano
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  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    New Course: iZotope RX 9 101 - RX 9 Video Manual
    RX 9 is out, and this new course "iZotope RX 9 101 - RX 9 Video Manual" covers the ins & outs of iZotope's flagship audio repair software. The course explains all the modules, how they work, and how they're used to fix a host of audio issues. The course starts off with an in-depth look at the standalone RX 9 application, and how to navigate its unique spectrogram view and user interface. It shows how to load the plug-in versions of the RX modules within a DAW, and how to transfer audio back and forth between the DAW and RX via the RX Connect plugin. Then the course digs into the heart of RX with a thorough description and practical demonstration of every module, including the new features in RX 9. The course shows how to use the De-clip, De-plosive, De-ess, De-click, and De-crackle modules; and how to clean up voice recordings by instantly removing lip smacks, mouth clicks, and breath noises. Next it covers removing amp hum, finger squeaks, and loud pick noises with the Guitar De-noise Module. There are sections on how to remove low-end rumble, wind noise, and hum -- including the new De-Hum Dynamic mode -- and how to do spectral repair using the standalone app or the new ARA-compatible Spectral Editor plug-in. In addition to going over all the repair tools, the course covers RX's other processing modules, including EQ Match, Time & Pitch, Loudness, Leveler, Dialog Contour, and the powerful Music Rebalance, which can isolate and rebalance selected individual elements from a full mix.The course wraps up with a look at Repair Assistant, an AI module which automatically analyzes a selection of audio and applies appropriate processing with the press of a button. Anyone who wants to get the most out of RX will want to have a look at this course, to explore the powerful audio repair tools in RX 9.
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