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GarageBand 101
Absolute Beginner's Guide
by: Vanacoro
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  • Student469162
    Posts: 426
    Joined: Sep 20th, 2020
    Regions moving together
    Hi. You see, I created a region with notes and an empty region appeared, too. I don't remember, did it appear itself or I created it. If itself, then why? Why is it as clued to the other? The problem is, I wanted delete the empty one but with that was deleted also with notes. Then I noticed, they are also moving together. Why they are together and how can I separate them? I grabbed to left back and after some attempts they separated. But as much as I understand, I grabbed them the same way resulting together or separated. For what is it good "clued" regions? Video is included.
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Regions moving together
    You probably created the extra region by Command-clicking in the background -- a Command-click temporarily turns the cursor into a Pencil tool (for adding Regions). The Regions are moving together because they're both selected (highlighted) -- click somewhere in the background to de-select both, and then you should be able to select them independently and move or delete either one.
  • Student469162
    Posts: 426
    Joined: Sep 20th, 2020
    Re: Regions moving together
    Is there anymore difference between highlighted moving together regions and normal separated regions than their look? What is an idea of "clued" regions?
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Regions moving together
    A highlighted Region means the Region is selected -- if multiple Regions are selected [highlighted] and you move one they'll all move. GB has no "clued" [I assume you meant "glued"] Region feature, other than selecting several Regions at once. [Logic has Mix/Edit Groups, but AFAIK that feature is not included in GB]
  • Student469162
    Posts: 426
    Joined: Sep 20th, 2020
    Re: Regions moving together
    I tried to create an extra region, tapping on cmd click, nothing happened. Why? Video is included.
  • Student469162
    Posts: 426
    Joined: Sep 20th, 2020
    Re: Regions moving together
    In the end of this video, I tapped on the timeline and what I call ruler (a wide colour line in piano roll) turned from light green to dark green. What it means?
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Regions moving together
    1. Holding Command should turn the cursor into a Pencil -- then clicking in a track lane should create a new empty Region 2. In GB the Ruler is the timeline above the the track lanes with the bar/beat numbers in it. I assume you're talking about the title bar of a selected Region, which would be light green -- if you have a Region selected and you click elsewhere in the tracks area you'll de-select the selected Region. I've attached a link to a basic GarageBand course [above] that should clarify some of these things..
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