Flextime splitting rather than stretching in Garageband
May 3rd, 2020, 02:25
I'm fairly new to GarageBand but was doing ok and had recorded a first complete real instrument audio track (eight individual tracks in total) but when I started to master the track I noticed my rhythm guitar is fractionally slow to start the chorus. Looking at online tutorials they suggest 'flextime' can be used to just stretch the waveform a little to bring it into time with the other instruments. But when I do this, rather than stretching the audio it moves just a portion of it to where I want it by detaching it from the nearest default audio markers meaning I have a gap in the audio further down the track.
Other tutorials suggest dragging the whole audio clip to the correct time but this doesn't work because the clip is quite long and the timing issue is resolved within a bar or so.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.