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Logic Pro X 201
The EXS24: Sampling Explored
by: joealbano
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  • Student455295
    Posts: 1
    Joined: Jan 26th, 2020
    Vocal chop
    Hi, I have a question regarding vocal chops! I wonder how I could put a whole accapella into the piano roll so that each note has its own part of the song. So if I go from lower to higher keys it will play later parts of the song, not just the same sound in a higher pitch. I know Kygo uses this when playing around with the vocals but I can’t figure out how he gets the whole song divided through out the piano roll?!😬
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Vocal chop
    Hi - You can set this up by cutting up the accapella audiofile into the individual sections you want on the various keys, and then loading them as individual samples into the EXS sampler (see the video below). You'd turn off pitch tracking in the EXS Instrument Editor window (see screenshot), so they'll all play at the original pitch, and optionally you could turn on "one-shot" if you just want to tap each key and have the entire sample on that key play back in full without having to hold down each note for the full length. Once this EXS Instrument is set up (& saved) you can load it in an EXS Instrument channel strip & play it in real time. Naturally, recorded MIDI notes will show up in the Piano Roll Editor, where you can edit the performance.
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