  • Coselea
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Oct 6th, 2010
    moving/copying a part of an event to a different trac
    i have a guitar track recorded which includes a lead in the beginning, middle, and ending. I am wanting to take those leads and give them some effects, like reverb, just the leads. So i am wanting to move these to a different track so i can add the effects, just to the leads and leave the strumming of the first track in place? How can i do this, pls help, i have tried and cannot seem to get the results i am expecting.
  • mPV Support
    Posts: 1425
    Joined: Aug 7th, 2006
    Re: moving/copying a part of an event to a different t...
    If I understand correctly, you want to move a part of your guitar recording to another track so you can apply effects to only the lead sections. To do this, you will need to select the Split Tool (the Scissor icon) and cut the parts of the recording you want to move, then move only these parts to your other track. Is that what you are trying to achieve?
  • Coselea
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Oct 6th, 2010
    Re: moving/copying a part of an event to a different t...
    I believe it is, i guess i was trying to make it more difficult than it really was. I will try this this evening, interesting. So once you cut then you click and drag straight down to the other track ,keeping in sync with the from channel. Once, again thank you so much.
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