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by: OlavBasoski
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  • Student459470
    Posts: 1
    Joined: Apr 9th, 2020
    Frozen track problem
    Hello👋..... I have been having trouble with a track I made in Ableton awhile ago. Its a midi drum track that is frozen, the track plays fine while its frozen, but I lose the sound when I unfreeze it to edit. I can see the drum rack being triggered when its playing too, but there is no sound? Was wondering if anyone has ever ran into this?
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Frozen track problem
    I assume Freezing in Ableton works the same as it does in all other DAWs—the track is bounced down to an audiofile, and when it's un-frozen it resumes the live playback of the virtual instrument & plug-ins on the track.. If that doesn't sound like the Frozen playback (or doesn't sound at all, as in your case), then my first guess would be that some live component of the track must have changed—maybe a missing V.I. or FX plug-in, or a missing instrument patch, or samples that have been moved and the V.I. is no longer seeing them..? Or maybe some routing/bussing has changed that affects the live signal path (like V.I. multi-output routing to a now-muted Aux, or sidechain control of a gate or compressor in the track routed from another now-muted (or Frozen) track) but not the Frozen file? Can you play that track's sound live from the keyboard? I'll link this thread to one of our most recent Live (10) courses—maybe another Live user will recognize the issue and weigh in with further suggestions..
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