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Ableton Live 102
MIDI Essentials
by: noahpred
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  • Student452506
    Posts: 1
    Joined: Dec 14th, 2019
    Clip names have changed to asterisks
    Hello and Help! When trying to select all tracks in clip view all clips names were changed into asterisks and cannot be changed back. Thanks in advance for any helpful hints.
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: Clip names have changed to asterisks
    Sounds like a bug, though I couldn't find any other references to this particular behavior. Were the Clips themselves selected when you took this action? If so perhaps the limitation mentioned in the screenshot below (from the Ableton Live 10 MIDI Essentials course) would apply? I'm not a Live user so I can't try to test/duplicate it here. In general it would be a good idea to provide more information about a problem. For example, what computer & software/OS version are you running? The new macOS Catalina has many many problems with audio applications, and this could be an OS-related graphic glitch. Only Live 10.1.2 or higher is compatible. Other helpful information to include: - What kind of Clip(s)—MIDI or audio? - What version of Live (I'm assuming Live 10)? - Exactly what actions did you take? How did you select the tracks/clips, and did you perform any operations after making the multi-selection, or did the glitch occur immediately on selection? - What steps have you already taken to troubleshoot? As far as trying to recover.. - Did you close the session without saving? If so when you reopened it, were the names still asterisks? - As always, try a hard shutdown and restart - Try duplicating the session (Save As?) and see if it restores the proper names..? - Does Live create any auto-backups you can revert to to recover the Clip names? - If you have a clone or a (Mac) Time Machine backup of the saved session (or an earlier version) before the name change, revert to that and either proceed from that point or use it as a reference to manually rename the affected Clips To troubleshoot the cause (to avoid having it happen again).. - Duplicate/BU one or more sessions and try the same procedure on copies of the sessions, to see if it's a session specific glitch - If you can revert to an older version of the affected session, try the same procedure on a copy to see if it can be reproduced or if it was a one-time glitch - Maybe if you had selected more than 7 tracks/clips, on a session copy try selecting 7 or less and see if that works reliably—if it does, then try selecting more than 7 and see if that triggers the glitch Hopefully you'll be able to recover the names from a BU or in worst case manually rename the Clips and continue to work in the session.. :-)
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