FM synthesis was a major turning point when it was popularized in the 1980s, and now it's back in a small but powerful form: volca fm. Electronic artist G.W. Childs is here to show you everything you need to know about this amazing little box!
G.W. Childs is an audio & video production powerhouse whose credits span the gamut from work with the US Department of Defense to soundtracks with LucasArts and remixes for James Brown & Ray Charles.
FM synthesis always had a reputation of being very difficult to learn, but fear not... our volca expert, G.W. Childs, will show you how easy (and fun!) it is to create music with volca FM.
G.W. starts this course with a tour of volca FM's interface. You learn all the basics: how to power it, how to hook it up with your equipment, and how to use the gold and black keys to play sounds and access additional functions. Next, he explains how to load presets, how to start building your own patterns, and how simple it is to create dynamic sequences with pattern chain mode.
From there, GW dives deep into FM synthesis. With its carriers, modulators, and various algorithms, you'll see (and hear) that FM synthesis can produce sounds not possible with other synthesis methods. After saving your own patches, you'll be ready to go crazy with the effects and arpeggiator. The course concludes by explaining how to use your volca FM with other members of the volca family, how sync works, and how to integrate volca FM with your DAW.
So join G.W. Childs, bring out your little FM synth box... and get ready to party like it's 1983!
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Dennis wrote on March 26, 2021
This course explains using the Volca FM very well. I think it touched up every feature of the device. I would higly recommended it for everybody who wants to know the ins and outs of this device. Two notes: It doesn't dive to deep into FM synthesis itself, but it will get you started. Also, i think question 2 of the quizz cannot be answered properly :)
Jason Wilden wrote on April 6, 2017
This is yet another excellent piece of work by Mr Childs. I'm an ex-DX7 owner so some of this is old stuff but the Vocal FM has some bells and whistles that are not immediately apparent.
I watched the course prior to buying the unit - it was my demo of how the thing would perform. The course was well rounded and complete! The motion recording was the final selling point for me.
Finally, if you're viewing this video for the same reason - do yourself a favour - get the Volca FM. Most fun I've had out of a video cassette sized box since they came with XXX on the side ;-)