Cosmkcomik wrote on November 26, 2017
A good compendeum on basic EQ parameters and usage. There is a lot of smart imformation and common sense material here for those hoping to learn how tomuse their EQ hardware and sofware better.
Brock wrote on October 12, 2016
EQ is one of the last course of the Art of Audio Recording that I have completed. I would say, out of all the fundamental tutorials offered, EQ is one of the most beneficial in my opinion. Having taken campus courses involving EQ'ing, I would say that there is enough material and practices that there could be another EQ course if the concept were to be expanded upon.
Sep 30, 2015 wrote on September 30, 2015
Could be more pedagogical with the use of a spectrograph and a graphic/parametric equalizer instead of knob controlled EQs in the demos. The "video" in the demos are therefore not very helpful. Of course, we need to listen carefully when EQ-ing. But multi-sensory learning doesn't hurt.
Trovador wrote on July 14, 2015
I must say this was a great tutorial. It featured different EQ types and how they are used. It was great to see the range of software that was used and gives you a great understanding on how and why to use EQ in the first place
BRHamester wrote on June 23, 2014
I guess this course is a quite advanced one, you have to watch it with fresh ears and on proper monitors. Watching it on headphones at first was a waste of time, since you can't notice the difference in the examples.
Rachelle wrote on January 14, 2014
The course by no means will get you up and running on your own projects, however it is a great overview of what EQing is. There are many instances in which I realized that I do not yet have the ear to differentiate between the subtle changes in sound. If nothing else this course will show the student their strengths and weaknesses, so that they can go forth and get training to help them in these endeavors.
R. Stull wrote on October 30, 2013
Best point made..."There are no hard and fast rules, but a steady, informed approach will help you get the best out of this important area." 5 of 5 if not for 5 minutes of nothing at the end.
Costa.S wrote on October 24, 2013
Very useful course on EQ:ing but also difficult one as it requires 100% attention in order to capture all the information.
Jimboy Edwards wrote on August 18, 2013
Excellent video instruction. Visually demystifies EQ and lets you see and here the differences in the mix. Looking forward to more like this on recording technique.
Carrion Fowl wrote on July 28, 2013
A good overview of the science and art of EQing, with working examples accompanying each chapter. Demos are more oriented towards "traditional" mixes, but principles can also be used in EDM.