The Roland JU-06 is a small package with a gigantic amount of synthesis power! In this collection of tutorials, you learn all the features of what this reimagined JU-106 has hidden behind its retro-future front panel. Get ready to synthesize!
Rishabh Rajan is an award winning composer, producer, songwriter, synthesist, sound designer and Logic Pro expert currently living and teaching in New York...
With their Boutique series of synths, Roland have successfully brought the great synths of the past roaring into the future. In this course, you explore the JU-06 (originally the JU-106) with expert synthesist Rishabh Rajan. Completing this course will put the synthesis power of this deceptive little synth right at your fingertips.
Before you dive into the JU-06, it's important to know a little about the famous "mother" of this prodigal synth and that's exactly how Rishabh starts off this course. After getting that all-important perspective, in the next 17 tutorials, Rishabh dives right into the features, functions and sound design possibilities that are essential to this cool little synth.
So learn the Roland JU-06 and master a bit of expert synthesis technique in this expertly crafted course by our very own synth expert, Rishabh Rajan!
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Julian Cassia wrote on July 15, 2016
Really great exploration of the synth. I've gotten about half way through, and it really helps in getting one acquainted with how the basis of synthesis works on this unit.
One area I feel it might have been cool to expand upon, would be the sound designing section. But still, this series is great and comprehensive!
Thank you, Rishabh!