Reason wizard Mo Volans takes you deep inside the world of synthesis and plunges you into the dark underworld of Twisted Sound Design in this exploration of advanced sonic techniques...
Mo Volans is world class musician, writer and music software professional whose creative contributions include original music for TV, film and recordings. His insightful writing is featured in many of the top music technology and pro audio magazines around the world.
In this sound design course, Mo has prepared a rack full of awesome instruments and FX to unleash the power of Reason's amazing synths (think Thor and Scream 4, The Echo and Kong...).
You'll be blown away by what Dr. OctoRex can do when the good Doctor's envelope filters and LFOs are tweaked and infused with newfound energy! Then, watch as Mo combines several of Reason's most twisted synths and FX and asserts control over 'em all using the power of the Combinator to create one massive sound effect that can be set free with one key press!
But let's not forget our old friend ReCycle... Learn how this granddad of rackmates can slice up your twisted audio and then toss it back inside OctoRex for some serious mangling - all within the powerful Reason rack.
Wow... so much to do and so much audio to do it with! Join Mo Volans and unleash your inner audio mangler in this 29-tutorial masterpiece, Twisted Sound Design.
This course, originally created in an earlier version of Reason, is forward-compatible with the most recent version.
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Section 1: Section 1: Introduction To Sound Design
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Martin wrote on March 9, 2014
I bought this course to try it out and see if I could learn anything new (obviously). I have been using Reason for a little over 4 years now, and I do have to say that this video didn't really expose any new tricks for me to use. I will say that it did inspire a couple of ideas that I tried out though. I did want to give it four stars, but I also find that there is a lack of explanation of why certain effects were chosen, or how they work. These videos might be good for a beginner, if you want to have some experimental sound design. If you want to learn how to sound design, you might consider a different course.
Daniel wrote on February 16, 2014
Oh yeah!! So hot this tutorial. I'm like a kid in a candy shop... Very very cool stuff into it I just can't stop until I finish it! Exactly what I wanted to learn. Nice job!!!