Setting up your Pro Tools session correctly can save you tons of time and frustration. In this PT 110 Certification study guide let Pro Tools Expert Mike Watkinson show you techniques the pros use to prepare for their sessions...
OK, it's panic time: The bandmates are drifting in...the "suits" are on their way... And you're behind the console hoping everything's going to run smoothly! That's when having the confidence in knowing all the "Ins and Outs" of setting up your Pro Tools engine is super, super important.
No worries because MPV expert trainer Mike Watkinson is on the case. He starts off with a primer on I/O setup and labeling and how to organize your session. Mike then explains all about setting up output paths and busses, and then shows you how you can easily export and import I/O setups to save precious time! Next he reveals how to properly configure your audio engine to squeeze the most performance out of your audio hardware.
Now that your Pro Tools engine is finely tuned, Mike dives into optimizing the plugins and using the all-important Production Toolkit where he shows you PT's great video playback and editing features. Finally, in the last collection of videos, he guides you through the essential sample rate and clock source configurations.
Whether you're studying for AVID Certification or brushing up on your Pro Tools skills, MPV trainer Mike Watkinson is here to give you all the info you need to get the most out of your Pro Tools 10 rig. Check out all of's AVID Learning Partner Pro Tools 10 tutorials and our ever-expanding collection of advanced Pro Tools tutorials by Grammy Award-winning engineers, industry pros and AVID Certified Pro Tools instructors.
This course, originally created in an earlier version of Protools, is forward-compatible with the most recent version.
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Rick wrote on January 17, 2024
Great love it
Zvoice wrote on September 29, 2020
Awesome training - THANK YOU !!!!!
F.L. Freeman; Audio Engineer - 1 wrote on March 12, 2015
Kudos to Mike Watkinson, for this very informative tutorial.
I found the techniques to be incredibly valuable, in saving time and trouble shooting, when loading sessions from other artist or producers.
It's great to be able to have my own custom I/O setup, that I can import, when working on outside projects.
Ren wrote on November 4, 2014
Mike Watkinson makes setting up Pro Tools oh so clear, there was a time when executing a setup via Pro Tools had me shook. Thanks to MPV & Mike Watkinson those days are no more.
ThunderRod wrote on October 24, 2013
Great basic setup tutorial for a newbie like me. Now I can dive into Protools knowing what to do to get the system up and running!
Dell Little wrote on August 7, 2013
Good basic set up for Protools. some of these might be good for earlier in the video series.
Shaggydh wrote on July 28, 2013
This course hits on the often overlooked Pro Tools setup options. Nice to know what some of those options are.
tob wrote on March 14, 2013
After watching these tutorials, my session setup time has been cut in half. Thanks once again MPV!!!
Erwin wrote on January 8, 2013
Mike explains the basics of the Session setup window but there are a few things left out! Overall not a bad tutorial.