Lex wrote on April 10, 2017
I would like an index and a way to go BACK and see selected sections.
Is there a way to do that?
Thank You.
Ian wrote on June 21, 2016
Great course for people just starting out like myself. Following Youtube tutorials on specific techniques only goes so far, this helped me to locate things better, and gain confidence in using the photoshop GUI
JC Veille wrote on December 12, 2015
Very nice delivery and an acceptable pace. Jim went through some basic concepts and build them up to a workable rate.
Chris wrote on October 29, 2015
Very nice. There's a lot of necessary background material which makes it a bit hard to digest but it all seems very useful material, and keeping notes and a running example of my own, helped. The last two clips give particularly nice usage examples. I do wish someone would make a photoshop course that's more like the last two clips - demonstrating by applying the ideas to an interesting workflow.
Ana Pekel wrote on August 9, 2014
I am a jewellery photographer I like to learn easy way to edit my pictures make it brighter shinier
get rid of the lines etc.
Rock wrote on May 7, 2014
An essential course covering the basic operations of the Photoshop interface, the tool bars and shortcut keys. I'm glad to say that I gained a bit more familiarity from this course even after having the software for many years.
Ellisberg wrote on March 17, 2014
A necessary starting point for using Photoshop CS6 or CC, this course takes you through the key parts of the PS interface. PS has such a robust set of interface features, the methodical process of going through them step-by-step is probably the best way to introduce them. If you are using Photoshop for the first time, certain concepts lack context (i.e. the application of masks) or even the use of layers. However, the instructor avoids more advanced topics and interface elements, for the most part. A very good course, even if somewhat painstaking to get through. That is not the course's fault but owed to the richness of the PS interface.
HayronW wrote on October 18, 2013
Not what I had in mind but very good for those who are absolutely brand new to the Photoshop world.
Cruzmeyers wrote on June 11, 2013
I agree with the previous comment, I was hoping for a more practical tutorial which did not happen until the last two videos. I would not consider this a 101 course although there are some good tips.
R Sharpe wrote on June 4, 2013
This course was really helpful, covered a lot of the basics in a short amount of time.