If you are learning how to use
Final Cut Pro or Final Cut Express, it helps to understand how the software "thinks." This tutorial program was created by
Michael Wohl, the man that gave Final Cut its brain and designed the workflow that made this program the most popular video editing program on the market today!
As a foundation for further exploration into video editing,
this 5.5 hour tutorial covers all of the essential editing techniques and theory you need to hit the ground running, whether you're editing for a major motion picture studio, or stitching together home videos for your friends and family.
With in-depth coverage of Final Cut Pro 6's most exciting new features, including the Open Format Timeline and the Smoothcam Filter, this tutorial-video program is more than just a basic primer - it's a comprehensive exploration of Final Cut Pro 6's main editing features that will show you how to edit video from a professional editor's perspective.
To get a true understanding of this programs depth and the topics covered, check out the Table of Contents below!