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SongCraft 101 - Producing Lauren Balthrop .
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  • 1

    To ensure a good mix, it really helps if you _______________.

  • 2

    It is best to bounce the 24-bit pre-master as loud as possible without clipping. True or false?

  • 3

    What should you do if an element works well on its own but not in the context of the song?

  • 4

    What's important when using two microphones to capture one instrument?

  • 5

    Why is it important to get the tempo of a song at the start?

  • 6

    What kind of click was used when recording the song?

  • 7

    Mic level is a much ______ level than line level in voltage.

  • 8

    The proximity effect affects only directional microphone. True or false?

  • 9

    A low frequency roll-off is the same thing as a high-pass filter. True or false?

  • 10

    In the tutorial, how did they find the tempo of the song?

  • 11

    An Aux Send that is _____ will send a copy of your signal to the Aux output at the level determined by the Aux Send itself.

  • 12

    According to Ben Arthur, what works best for getting a great mix?

  • 13

    What is a good starting point when positioning a microphone to record an acoustic guitar?

  • 14

    The process of moving notes to correct the imperfection in the timing of a performance is called...

  • 15

    A pad is a preset attenuation device that will drop the input by a fixed amount, usually -10 or -20 dB. True or false?

  • 16

    Editing in a DAW is ______ process.

  • 17

    What was the roll-off set frequency on the microphone when recording the acoustic guitar?

  • 18

    A low frequency artifact in an audio recording is often called...

SongCraft 101
Producing Lauren Balthrop
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