Imagine 8 Rex files simultaneously slicing and dicing, mixing and mashing to make the most amazing rhythmic masterpieces. Combine Dr. Octo Rex and the expertise of Reason Master, Mo Volans, and the unimaginable has become reality...
Mo Volans is world class musician, writer and music software professional whose creative contributions include original music for TV, film and recordings. His insightful writing is featured in many of the top music technology and pro audio magazines around the world.
Look out! There's a doctor in the house and this mad surgeon has 8 scalpels! His name is Dr. Octo Rex and he's going to "doctor-up" your tracks with the ability to slice and dice 8 (count ‘em) REX files at the same time to create the coolest rhythmic mashup ever!
Mo Volans (our very own in-house Dr. of Reasonology) takes us to the operating room and amazes us with his virtuosic knowledge of how the extraordinary new Dr. Octo Rex works. So scrub up, put on your rubber gloves and start slicing along with Mo as he shows us the Art of Sonic Surgery with this advanced new rack device: Dr. Octo Rex!
This tutorial, originally created in Reason 5, is forward-compatible with Reason 6 and beyond. has one of the largest and most complete library of Reason tutorials on the planet. Subscribe to watch them online or build yourself a downloadable bundle to save up to 50% off the list price!
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Jeff Prather wrote on November 12, 2014
Mo Valons is a professional educator. He know how to deliver the information, information about subjects on which he is an expert. He is performing a real service to musicians of all ilks.
Lazyboots wrote on June 10, 2013
Covers the parameters that are specific to the OctoRex almost perfectly; and goes over interface usage, synth parameters, and audio/CV routing methods used in all Reason devices.
Danny wrote on May 4, 2013
Covers all you need to know, and in a nice relaxed method of teaching. did miss out one button "Copy loop to track" but shows the manual way to achieve the same thing.
BPGeez wrote on May 1, 2013
This is how tutorials should be done!! Mo Volans masterfully tackles EVERY aspect of the Dr, OctoRex quickly and efficiently! There are also a lot of hidden production gems! Good gig MacPro!!!
Masro wrote on November 2, 2011
Interesting tutorial! Have been using Reason for like one year now, but didn't really got into all the options of Dr. Octorex yet. This tutorial is useful for beginners and semi-pro's as well. If you want to get more out of Reason you should watch this one. It shows all the features in it's most creative way. Also the explanation in the tutorial is nice and simple.
Considering in buying new tutorials already!