Steinberg Product specialist Matt Hepworth has assembled the best Cubase mastering course ever created. Get all the tools and techniques you need to make your tracks sound professionally mastered in this 33-tutorial, 2+ hour course.
Cubase is a mastering powerhouse. With its serious suite of dynamics, EQ and metering plugins you've got all the tools you need to become a "master" at mastering. But first, you've got to know what you're doing. Who better to explain the mastering process and Cubase than the talented Matt Hepworth?! Matt's been a Cubase power user since the beginning of Cubase recorded time and now he is focusing his vast teaching abilities on helping you understand the the often confusing and usually misunderstood art of mastering.
He starts off this course with a bit of mastering history. Why? Because it's important to understand why mastering came about in the first place and how all the classic techniques have been adapted to today's digitally driven listening experience.
From there he takes you deep into the Cubase's amazing collection of plugins as he explains why, when and how to use them. This collection of tutorials is divided into 3 distinct sections based upon the result that you're looking to achieve:
Punchy, Shiny and Loud
He takes these audio descriptors and explains how to create them audio-wise giving you a strong foundation of the underlying audio fundamentals. Then there's the big picture stuff like dithering, exporting and formats... Matt covers it all!
Simply put: This course rocks! Watch it. Learn form it. Use as your Cubase mastering reference for years to come!
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Phil Mountford wrote on February 19, 2015
Another worthwhile course to watch particularly if you're interested in finalising your audio from within Cubase. Some crossover with the Mathew's other Cubase tutorials which is to be expected but that's a good thing as it acts as a refresher.
Paul wrote on January 17, 2015
Very good introduction to mastering audio that covers the fundamentals. I would definitely recommend this course to any Cubase user looking to master their own music.
Valdo Alves wrote on April 11, 2014
It was very good to learn a simple way with this tutorial.
Basic and advanced concepts in the art of mastering.
Thanks Matt Hepworth and macProVideo for this excellent course. Best quality all the time. Please make more course of CUBASE 7.
Wibbers wrote on March 23, 2014
A slightly updated version of the Mastering in Cubase course for Cubase 5.0. Excellent in its own right and highly recommended to those who have not seen the earlier version, but not worth paying for a second time if you have already downloaded the earlier version.