Have you always wanted to learn JavaScript but never managed to get around to it? Here's your chance! Start learning JavaScript NOW with expert developer and trainer Tareq Fadel...
This course starts off by showing you where JavaScript comes from, how it evolved and what it can and can't do. Since Javascript is a fully-fledged Object Oriented Programming (OOP) language, you begin exploring basic OOP concepts right away. While you start with elementary building blocks like variables, data types and operators, you also get to look at more complex concepts like If, Else statements, Functions and Methods. You even get a chance to work with the DOM!
From there, you also explore important programming tools like the consolelog and techniques like using the alert() method to trace how your program is running. You also learn the underrated yet critical art of Commenting your work.
By the end of the course, you have a solid understanding of many of the important concepts you need in order to begin successfully putting together basic JavaScript.
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Zahari Schtonov wrote on September 7, 2014
A really well presented course on JavaScript! The best part is the ability to follow along with the teacher while he is showing you what to type and how to modify a certain parameter in order to get the script to behave differently. I wish programming code was presented to me in that fashion way back. So, along with the basic foundation on history of Java and the building blocks of this particular language, the exercises are the heart of this course. Especially when you are clearly informed about what a particular variable or function does and why! Can't wait for the next course in the series!
Liam wrote on May 30, 2014
Very good introduction to Java script, well informed tutorials !
Rock wrote on April 27, 2014
A great beginners quick guide on JavaScript by Tareq Fadel. This course should establish a foundation with which to build upon, describing a history, use of and the basic commands and syntax of JavaScript.
Zyhon wrote on October 20, 2013
This course is a really solid foundation of JavaScript. I will definitely continue the series and hope the next videos will be released soon. Thank a lot Tareq.
Eric wrote on October 18, 2013
This tutorial is by far the best foundation for learning Javascript that I have found. Please, please, PLEASE continue to build this particular series. Nothing is more relevant. BRAVO!