Ableton Live offers a whole arsenal of mixing tools to help you get that killer mix! In this focussed FastTrack™ course, Ableton-certified trainer Noah Pred explains all of them.
Noah Pred is an accomplished composer, performer and Ableton Live Certified Trainer. He has been performing technologically driven music worldwide for the past decade.
More than just a song production and performance tool, Ableton Live comes with all the plugins you need to create professional sounding mixes. In this course, Producer and Ableton-certified trainer Noah Pred takes you through all the mixing devices included in Ableton Live.
Noah starts the course with a look at the Utility and Gate effects, and how you can use them both creatively or to fix audio problems. Next, he moves on to the most misunderstood effect in a producer's toolkit (and one of the most important): compression. After learning every parameter of the Compressor and Glue Compressor devices, you discover how to do sidechain and parallel (New-York style) compression. From there, Noah dives into the often mystifying Multiband Dynamics device, explaining everything about upward/downward compression & expansion. Continuing with the course, you also learn about the Limiter, Saturator, different EQs, and more!
So sit back and explore Ableton Live's mixing plugins with Ableton Certified trainer Noah Pred. After watching this course, you'll know everything about Live's mixing plugins!
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cosmkcomik wrote on September 9, 2018
Great course by Noah Pred on Live's Mixing Effects. Live has many different mixing effects and Noah does a great job of explaining each and how to use them to best advantage in your mix. Especially impressive is the EQ8 and how to use it. A lot of flexibility with this plug-in including Left / Right and Mid/Side EQ-ing as well as traditional equalization.
Eric Freeman wrote on June 27, 2017
Noah very clearly explains Live's mixer toolset with great examples and insight into each tools use in mixing.