  • Richard Nash
    Posts: 25
    Joined: Sep 15th, 2007
    mp3 export of stereo audio files?
    Can SP2 allow the user to export mp3s of audio files? I just recieved SP2 with Logic studio and I will be very bummed if this cannot happen. It seems that the only time a user can export an mp3 is of the "master mix" as the program calls it, in a multitrack project. Is this really the case? And if so, do you guys know why? All I want to be able to do is export an mp3 from a stereo audio file that I've edited. Please help somebody. This has made me very sad :-(
  • Linubaa
    Posts: 28
    Joined: Sep 15th, 2006
    Re: mp3 export of stereo audio files?
    MPunk I've been using Compressor to convert my AIFs to MP3. That would be a good thing to touch on in a tutorial section, since both Compressor and Soundtrack are included in Logic Studio. I know it seems like an extra step, but if you save a bunch of AIFs with Soundtrack, you can convert them to MP3 all at once using Compressor in the same batch session. Hopefully this can alleviate your sadness. * solo *
  • Richard Nash
    Posts: 25
    Joined: Sep 15th, 2007
    Re: mp3 export of stereo audio files?
    I hadn't even thought about compressor. I've never used it before but I will give it a try. I have been using itunes to convert the past couple of days. Thank you solotasq. Peace.
  • Linubaa
    Posts: 28
    Joined: Sep 15th, 2006
    Re: mp3 export of stereo audio files?
    NP, MP! Compressor can be a little tricky at first, and there's certainly nothing wrong with the iTunes import method, but there can be times when you wouldn't want to use it, for example if you edited a bunch of song excerpts specifically for online use. Of course what would be ideal is if Soundtrack had an "Export Using Compressor" command like Final Cut for whatever kind of file one was working on (hopefully in a future version), but for now it's up to the human interface. That's the only reason I can think of why Compressor was included in Logic Studio, even though it does lots more stuff. * solo *
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