  • Martin
    Posts: 476
    Joined: Aug 24th, 2004
    Post Video requests until August 20th!
    I'm going on holidays! THe first vacation in 4 years ... I'm so excited!!! While I'm gone, post any video requests you would like to see in our Soundtrack Pro 101 tutorials here. When I get back, I'll cover the most popular requests, and add them to part 3 of the Soundtrack Pro 101 video tutorial series. Part 3 will automatically download to all STP 101 purchasers through NED, before the end of August. This is your chance to have specialized topics covered in this program. But act fast, because once I've finished Part 3, this tutorial series will be complete! Thanks All! Martin
  • igarti
    Posts: 4
    Joined: Nov 12th, 2006
    Re: Post Video requests until August 20th!
    Hi Martin. Afert a first look to the V.2 of the STP 101, I should appreciate a couple of topics for the next V.3. Those are a cuople of stept by stept workflows. The first is a Final Cut integration with Soundtrack Pro and the second is an exaple of an podcast sept by stept workflow creation. Regards, Ignacio.
  • Martin
    Posts: 476
    Joined: Aug 24th, 2004
    Re: Post Video requests until August 20th!
    Hi Ignacio, There is a section on "roundtrip" workflows and the new Conform feature ... :)
  • Fezufyu
    Posts: 1
    Joined: Aug 18th, 2007
    Re: Post Video requests until August 20th!
    Hello! Great tutorials. I would love to, (and need to) see topics on final cut integration. How is the process of passing a project between the two programs? After doing sound design in Soundtrack pro can you bring it back into final cut for final OMF export to Pro Tools? Could you talk about video sync and topics concerning video work? Thanks! I look forward to the updates.
  • igarti
    Posts: 4
    Joined: Nov 12th, 2006
    Re: Post Video requests until August 20th!
    Hi Martin, Is there any estimation for the final V.3 of the Soundtrack Pro tutorial? Happy editing, Ignacio.
  • Linubaa
    Posts: 28
    Joined: Sep 15th, 2006
    Re: Post Video requests until August 20th!
    Hey Martin Hope you have an abundant and well-deserved break! Now that STP2 comes bundled with Logic Studio it would be cool to see just how it integrates into LP8's overall work flow. I've actually used Soundtrack more in conjunction with Logic in the past than with FCP, and its inclusion in Studio is one of the many things that has me stoked about the upgrade. Anyway I'm looking forward to many hours immersed in Logic Studio tutorials. Who needs TV anyway? * solo *
  • STP version 3 changes
    Posts: 1
    Joined: Sep 18th, 2007
    Re: Post Video requests until August 20th!
    I've jist finished V2 (very informative) and agree that more info should be added on the integration with FCP "send to" options. The wide variety of effects and how to apply them to individual tracks in a multitrack project I think would be extremely helpful.
  • Anders Moden
    Posts: 1
    Joined: Sep 12th, 2007
    Re: Post Video requests until August 20th!
    [quote:1002]Martin wrote: There is a section on "roundtrip" workflows and the new Conform feature [/quote] Hi Martin. I cannot find this in the STP101. Is it supposed to be a heading for a chapter, or was I not paying attention? I know it is way too late, but I am confused as to how export a clip to the multiclip editor. I get an error message saying "there was a problem exporting... etc. So what I would like to do is to export a clip to STP to add sitcom laughter, applause, music overlay and a room tone without cluttering my FCP timeline with all these sound clips. Or maybe they'll apperar in FCP anyway?
  • DaveHardy
    Posts: 4
    Joined: Oct 12th, 2007
    Re: Post Video requests until August 20th!
    Hi Anders, There is no section on roundtrip work-flows or the new Conform feature on STP101. If there is a follow STP102. then Martin will undoubtedly add these sections. In the meantime there is a very good article on this subject that is well illustrated in the current issue of Larry Jordan's "Edit Well" . Peachpit Press is until Oct. 31 giving a 3 month free subscription to Edit Well. You can purchase the 2 previous issues for $9.99 each. The previous issue covered Mixing in STP2. Martin will probably go into the subject in greater depth in STP102 & he has also covered these topics in his Peachpit Press book on STP2. All the best. Dave
  • dpcoffin
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Sep 14th, 2006
    Re: Post Video requests until August 20th!
    Hey, guys I posted this question back on August 10, but not in this thread, so maybe that's why it got ignored? Anyway, it's still bugging me and I'd love some response, so here it is again: Hi, Martin Here's a question I've been trying to answer since I first got SoundtrackPro: In sound-file mode, my file has a dozen or so very short clipped sections. I've discovered a single setting for the multi-dynamics tool that nicely reigns in these problem areas. Is there any way to streamline applying the same settings of this effect to subsequent selections BESIDES making the selection, opening the effect, opening User presets, drilling down to the setting I saved, loading it, and finally applying it to each selection, and then having to repeat each step on the next selection? Seems like all the wonderful automation on offer fails to apply to this particular series of steps; tell me I'm wrong! Thanks! dpc
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