  • Martin
    Posts: 476
    Joined: Aug 24th, 2004
    Hello World!
    Welcome to the New Soundtrack Pro Forum! Ask questions, post helpfull hints, and have fun discussing Apple's Soundtrack Pro 2 ...
  • dpcoffin
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Sep 14th, 2006
    Re: Hello World!
    Hi, Martin Hereâ??s a question Iâ??ve been trying to answer since I first got SoundtrackPro: In sound-file mode, my batch of files all have a few very short clipped sections. Iâ??ve discovered a single setting for the multi-dynamics tool that nicely reigns in these problem areas. Is there any way to streamline applying the same settings of this effect to subsequent selections BESIDES making the selection, opening the effect, opening User presets, drilling down to the setting I saved, loading it, and finally applying it to each selection? Seems like all the wonderful automation on offer fails to apply to this particular series of steps; tell me Iâ??m wrong! Thanks! dpc
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