  • Bsar
    Posts: 10
    Joined: Dec 7th, 2010
    Exporting Frames Premiere Pro
    I know this may be a Question for Photoshop but I am trying to export a frame from premiere pro in order to post onto the web. Every time I export a frame of 720p, it squeezes the image and remains squeezed when i view it with any program other than photoshop. I am simply trying to use the photo to post onto the internet.. Anyone know the easiest way to solve this?
  • BenB
    Posts: 522
    Joined: Feb 14th, 2011
    Re: Exporting Frames Premiere Pro
    I've not used PPro much in a long time, but is there some sort of "preserve aspect ratio" setting in the export dialog windows? If not, open it in Pixelmator or Photoshop, and adjust the width. It could be the old rectangle pixels versus square pixels thing (which is what a "preserve aspect ratio" setting is supposed to compensate for).
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