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MPC 201
MPC Standalone Workflow Guide
by: bookeredwards
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  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    New Course: MPC Standalone Workflow Guide
    Not everyone needs to work in a DAW, and AKAI's MPC hardware workstations can be the answer for music production. Booker Edwards' new course 'MPC Standalone Workflow Guide' explains how to set up and creatively use these hardware production tools. The Akai MPC line has been an industry standard in music production ever since the release of the MPC60 in the '80s. This course focuses on the standalone workflow of the current line of MPC instruments, the MPC Live II, the MPC One, and the MPC X. The course starts with an overview of the MPC One, MPC Live II, and MPC X hardware units. It covers the controls, pads, buttons and connectivity of each device. Then there's a deep dive into Main Mode, where users spend most of their time when producing. After looking at synchronizing with Splice and installing MPC Expansion Packs, the course shows how to use the internal plugins of the MPC. It covers how sequencing and recording work, how to connect and control external gear, how to use FX, how to expand the I/O using USB connectivity, how to connect to a DAW, and more... So for producers who prefer to work in the hardware domain, this course should hit all the bases for the most well-established hardware production platform, Akai's MPC.
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