HD downloads
Mar 15th, 2013, 03:59
When I saw the link to buy "HD Downloads", I thought great. But no, they are not downloads. I'm buying simply a custom player with online login auth necessary. If that's all "downloads" meant I may as well just have used my browser to play them. And in fact, it should just be a part of the standard subscription package. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I bought the tutorial, it's worth the money, and useful, but let's face it, piracy can no longer be stopped.
At some point it seems like legitimate users just internalized these limitations on legit purchases of goods, in order to "stop piracy", yet we see all the products we buy get pirated anyway, so why are we still doing these limitations? If it was my company, I would have HD Downloads actually mean DRM-free, zipped and normal .mp4 files, and I would advertise it that way. "Hey you, buy the tutorials from us without restriction! You don't need to DL that pesky torrent. It's all right here, completely open and without limitations and you'd support us". I'd give you my money gladly and we'd stop senselessly punishing legitimate users for no reason whatsoever.