  • Student482625
    Posts: 1
    Joined: Jun 30th, 2021
    FCPX keeps unlinking files from an external hard drive
    I keep running into a problem where FCPX is not automatically linking to files from an external hard drive. I've used external hard drives for literally thousands of hours and have never had this problem. Thanks for any help or advice! BTW I've tried reindexing the hard drive in question, reindexing the entire computer, and also have manually relinked many clips, just to have the computer forget most of them. I'm having to stay away from sharp objects!!!!!!!
  • Joe A
    Posts: 1834
    Joined: Oct 1st, 2013
    Re: FCPX keeps unlinking files from an external hard drive
    I found a couple of Apple support pages on relinking files, including a mention of proxy files and one that discusses possible naming issues in relinking certain files (see below). A couple of troubleshooting steps you might want to take might include: - The usual hard shutdown/restart - Does the problem occur with other projects (there could be corruption in the specific project). If possible, you could create a new project, add the problem files to that project, and test to see if there are relinking problems in that new project -- if there are, the issue might be with the files, if not, the issue might be with the original project - Does the problem always occur with the same files, or different files each time - Does it ever happen with a different external hard disk or is the issue unique to a particular external HD? If possible, can you relocate the missing files to a different HD, relink them, and see if it sticks I'm an audio guy and not a regular FCP user, but that's the kind of testing I'd to to troubleshoot this kind of issue with dependent files..
  • Student494447
    Posts: 5
    Joined: Apr 25th, 2022
    Re: FCPX keeps unlinking files from an external hard drive
    Wow you did a great job
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