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Maschine Jam 101 - Jam Essentials.
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  • 1

    Maschine's Piano Roll Mode can constrain the notes to a specific scale. True or false?

  • 2

    True or False: Maschine Jam can control Logic via the Mackie Control standard. True or false?

  • 3

    How do you stop clips from playing in Ableton?

  • 4

    In order to record the "strums" just like you play them, what function must be turned off?

  • 5

    To access the different Lock snapshots, you must push?

  • 6

    How can you switch to an accented velocity while step programming?

  • 7

    There is only one way to control the Performance FX parameters. True or false?

  • 8

    What color is the Root note in Keyboard Mode?

  • 9

    How can you assign a color to a Scene?

  • 10

    How do you bring up the Variation options?

Maschine Jam 101
Jam Essentials
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