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Keynote 201 - Keynote Advanced.
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  • 1

    If you want to add a comment to a specific object, how do you do it?

  • 2

    Where can other people view your Keynote Live?

  • 3

    What functions can you use when typing your presenter notes?

  • 4

    You can only align objects one at a time. True or false?

  • 5

    Keynote will automatically adjust the slideshow to fit the display of the projector you are using. True or false?

  • 6

    How does Keynote ensure that the right iOS device is paired with your presentation?

  • 7

    How can you ensure your magic transition will work seamlessly?

  • 8

    Where do you find the Object List?

  • 9

    If you want music to accompany your whole slideshow, where should go you?

  • 10

    How you can ensure that your images and videos are optimized for iOS?

  • 11

    Where do you find the build order?

  • 12

    Where can you customize your view in Dual Screen?

  • 13

    What happens when you move a slide?

  • 14

    Why use tabs?

  • 15

    What happens when you edit the format of a master slide?

  • 16

    When replacing an image placeholder, how do you insert your own photo?

  • 17

    Which export method should you use if you want total control over when your slides switch?

  • 18

    What does Instant Alpha do?

  • 19

    How do you show presenter notes without going to play?

  • 20

    Once you customize your layout, can you revert back to the original layout?

Keynote 201
Keynote Advanced
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