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iZotope - BreakTweaker: Explored.
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  • 1

    In BreakTweaker, AM stands for...

  • 2

    What parameter will slide the microedit pattern left or right?

  • 3

    What's a quick way to zoom in and out on a sample?

  • 4

    How can you place the filter before the distortion effect?

  • 5

    How do you delete a step in the sequencer?

  • 6

    Every BreakTweaker preset can have up to ___ patterns.

  • 7

    How do you get back to a patch you had a few minutes ago?

  • 8

    What three filter "flavors" are available in BreakTweaker?

  • 9

    How do you save a BreakTweaker with all samples included?

  • 10

    How many oscillators are available when Synthesis Mode is set to Off?

  • 11

    What does it mean when a snowflake icon (an asterisk) is added to a preset's name?

  • 12

    Each _________ is assigned to a MIDI note from C2 through B3.

  • 13

    What happens if you hit Preview in BreakTweaker while your DAW transport is started?

  • 14

    How do you copy a pattern to another one?

  • 15

    What playback modes are available in the Sample Generator?

  • 16

    What are the four types of microedits available?

  • 17

    What is the Discover feature?

  • 18

    How can you stop a sound with a long release in the sequencer?

  • 19

    The track playback speed value of a track is global to all patterns in a preset. True or false?

  • 20

    Option-clicking a parameter will __________________.

  • 21

    BreakTweaker is available both as a stand-alone app and as a VST/AU plug-in. True or false?

  • 22

    In the Synth Generator, how do you morph through a wavetable?

BreakTweaker: Explored
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