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HTML & CSS 100 - Quicklook Guide.
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  • 1

    What exactly is HTML?

  • 2

    HTML is the language of the web. True or false?

  • 3

    HTML is used to add style to your web pages. True or false?

  • 4

    Together, what do a Starting tag, an Ending tag, and Content make up?

  • 5

    Does it matter which browser you test your HTML with? Yes or No.

  • 6

    What two parts is an HTML page divided into?

  • 7

    Name the simplest editor you can use to create HTML.

  • 8

    The h1 tag is used for headings or paragraphs?

  • 9

    What goes in a style element?

  • 10

    What is becoming increasingly important?

  • 11

    What does CSS stand for?

  • 12

    JavaScript is used mainly for what?

HTML & CSS 100
Quicklook Guide
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