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Final Cut Pro 104 - Working in the Timeline.
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Where are you able to create a Compound Clip?
In the Browser and Timeline panes.
In the Timeline pane only.
In the Timeline and Inspector panes.
In the Browser and Inspector panes.
When editing a Coumpound Clip in its own Timeline, what do the hash lines to the left and right signify?
There is media in the Coumpound Clip that is offline.
There is a hardware issue with your Mac.
There are no more "handles" to the left or right of the Coumpound Clip's content.
The Compound is being used (is nested) inside of another Project Timeline.
In what situation would Final Cut not allow you to create a Connected Storyline?
When the selected clips are touching each other.
When the selected clips overlap each other.
When the selected clips are not touching each other.
When the selected clips have too many gaps between them.
What is the keyboard shortcut to get the Trim tool?
When creating an Audition Clip, do all of the clips inside of it conform to the same duration?
Yes, they all conform to the duration of the first clip added, and can not be manually changed.
No, they retain their original duration, until manually changed.
No, they retain their original duration, and can not be manually changed.
Yes, they all conform to the duration of the first clip added, until manually changed.
Do Roll edits affect clip timing further down the Timeline?
Only with video-only clips in the Primary Storyline.
Only with audio-only clips in the Primary Storyline.
When trimming numerically, what should you type to subtract 0.5 second in a 29.97 fps Timeline?
What does the single-letter shortcut "V" do?
Trims the Out Point of multiple clips at once.
Trims the In Point to the playhead.
Mutes and unmutes (enables and disables) clips.
Trims the Out Point to the playhead.
Which type of edit doesn't affect the overall duration of the Project timeline?
Roll edit
Ripple edit
What is one main reason the Precision Editor is so helpful?
It makes Roll edits smoother, but useless for other edit types.
You can clearly see the clips' unused media, or "handles".
It can change clip duration numerically.
You can trim much more precisely than any other method.
When the Trim Tool is selected, and you Option-click on a clip, what gets highlighted in yellow?
The Out Point of the clip that you clicked on, and the In Point of the clip to the right.
The Out Point of the clip to the left, and the In Point of the clip that you clicked on.
Both the In and Out Points of the clip that you clicked on.
The Out Point of the clip to the left, and the In Point of the clip to the right.
Name three important characteristics of the Position tool.
It has no tail on its arrow icon, it will do insert edits, there are no magnetic properties when using it.
It has no tail on its arrow icon, it will do overwrites, the magnetic properties are active when using it.
It has no tail on its icon, it will do overwrites, and there are no magnetic properties when using it.
It will do append edits, there are no magnetic properties when using it.
What are the most important computer keyboard keys used when trimming edits?
Comma, period, brackets and forward slash.
Forward slash, Backslash, Control-M.
Comma, period, Command-R
Command-R, Option-R, Forward Slash.
What does duplicating clips inside of an Audition allows us to do?
Fill in an empty space inside the Audition Clip.
Apply different color grades to the duplicate.
Apply different color grades and effects to the duplicate.
Apply different effects to the duplicate.
When we are done with an Audition Clip and have made our final selection, what should we do?
Right-click the Audition clip, and use the Finalize command.
Right-click the Audition clip, and choose the ‘Break Apart Clip Items' command.
After Right-clicking the Audition clip, use the ‘Collapse All' command.
Right-click the Audition clip, and use the Preview command.
What are the keyboard commands to select the Next and Previous Picks in an Audition clip?
Shift-Option-Left/Right Arrow
Control-Shift-Left/Right Arrow
Command-Option-Left/Right Arrow
Control-Option-Left/Right Arrow
To review an edit point, which of these would you do?
Place the playhead on the edit point, press the Forward Slash ( / ) key.
Place the playhead on the edit point, press Shift-Forward Slash ( / ).
Place the playhead on the edit point, press Shift-Backslash ( \ ).
Place the playhead on the edit point, press Option-Forward Slash ( / ) keyboard shortcut.
What goal can be achieved by cutting on a specific movement in your Timeline?
Helps trim Out Points more easily.
Helps trim In Points more easily.
Distract the audience from the change in camera angles.
Hides camera bumps.
Is the Ripple tool the only default trim function available when using the Arrow tool?
Yes, with video-only clips in the Primary Storyline.
Yes, but only with Primary Storyline clips.
When changing the duration of a clip, how is the clip affected?
The In Point stays the same, the Out Point is changed.
The In Point stays the same, the Out Point changes only if the clip duration is increased.
The Out Point stays the same, the In Point is changed.
Both the In and Out Points are changed.
When you want to make changes to a Coumpound Clip in a Project timeline, without affecting other copies, what should you do?
Use Command-D to duplicate the selected Coumpound Clip.
With the Coumpound Clip selected, go to the Clip menu, select the 'Reference New Parent' command.
With the Coumpound Clip selected, go to the Clip menu, select the 'Break Apart Clip Items' command.
With the Coumpound Clip selected, go to the Clip menu, select the 'Create New Compound' command.
When performing a Slip edit, what actually "slips"?
The Out point slips left or right, making the clip longer or shorter.
The In and Out points slip, moving the whole clip left or right in the Timeline.
Only the content of the clip slips, edit points stay in place in the Timeline.
The In point is slipped left or right in the timeline, making the clip longer or shorter.
How can you copy and paste effects between clips inside of an Audition Clip?
You can't copy and paste effects between clips in an Audition Clip.
Select the first clip, Copy, then duplicate the second clip and you're done!
Select the first clip, Copy, select the second clip, Command-V to Paste.
Select the first clip, Copy, select the second clip, choose 'Paste Effects' from the Edit menu.
Handles refer to the unused portion of a clip, on either side of the segment that's in your Timeline. True or false?
What can throw off the timing of your Timeline when creating a Compound Clip?
Lack of audio clips included in a Compound Clip.
Lack of video clips included in a Compound Clip.
Video clips that extend beyond the audio clips.
Audio clips that extend beyond the video clips.
Final Cut Pro 104
Working in the Timeline
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