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Final Cut Pro 104 - Working in the Timeline.
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  • 1

    Where are you able to create a Compound Clip?

  • 2

    When editing a Coumpound Clip in its own Timeline, what do the hash lines to the left and right signify?

  • 3

    In what situation would Final Cut not allow you to create a Connected Storyline?

  • 4

    What is the keyboard shortcut to get the Trim tool?

  • 5

    When creating an Audition Clip, do all of the clips inside of it conform to the same duration?

  • 6

    Do Roll edits affect clip timing further down the Timeline?

  • 7

    When trimming numerically, what should you type to subtract 0.5 second in a 29.97 fps Timeline?

  • 8

    What does the single-letter shortcut "V" do?

  • 9

    Which type of edit doesn't affect the overall duration of the Project timeline?

  • 10

    What is one main reason the Precision Editor is so helpful?

  • 11

    When the Trim Tool is selected, and you Option-click on a clip, what gets highlighted in yellow?

  • 12

    Name three important characteristics of the Position tool.

  • 13

    What are the most important computer keyboard keys used when trimming edits?

  • 14

    What does duplicating clips inside of an Audition allows us to do?

  • 15

    When we are done with an Audition Clip and have made our final selection, what should we do?

  • 16

    What are the keyboard commands to select the Next and Previous Picks in an Audition clip?

  • 17

    To review an edit point, which of these would you do?

  • 18

    What goal can be achieved by cutting on a specific movement in your Timeline?

  • 19

    Is the Ripple tool the only default trim function available when using the Arrow tool?

  • 20

    When changing the duration of a clip, how is the clip affected?

  • 21

    When you want to make changes to a Coumpound Clip in a Project timeline, without affecting other copies, what should you do?

  • 22

    When performing a Slip edit, what actually "slips"?

  • 23

    How can you copy and paste effects between clips inside of an Audition Clip?

  • 24

    Handles refer to the unused portion of a clip, on either side of the segment that's in your Timeline. True or false?

  • 25

    What can throw off the timing of your Timeline when creating a Compound Clip?

Final Cut Pro 104
Working in the Timeline
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