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Live 9 304 - Making Electronic Dance Music.
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  • 1

    In Live's MIDI Note Editor, what is the Fold button made for?

  • 2

    What is the keyboard shortcut to create a new MIDI track?

  • 3

    Which button do you need to click to see only the notes that are used in a clip?

  • 4

    How do you create an empty clip in Session view?

  • 5

    What happens if you drag multiple samples on one Pad in a Drum Rack?

  • 6

    It is necessary to create a new MIDI track before loading a new Instrument Device. True or false?

  • 7

    When an adaptive grid setting is selected, the resolution will change when you zoom in/out on a clip. True or false?

  • 8

    You can change the pitch of a note in the MIDI editor by pressing:

  • 9

    In the MIDI Note Editor, you can double-click a note to delete it. True or false?

  • 10

    How can you select multiple items in Live?

  • 11

    What is the Keyboard shortcut to rename clips, tacks, scenes, etc. in Live?

  • 12

    In the Simpler device, which button will force the loop to cross on zero-crossing points?

  • 13

    The Hot-Swap button will let you:

  • 14

    What's the shortcut to open and close the Browser?

Live 9 304
Making Electronic Dance Music
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